My World & Life Concept
There must be more to life than this © Fuzzbox

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This page is in a very early alpha stage.

. Mythological View
. Footnotes

Mythological View

In my idea of the world, there are 2 separate worlds. The physical world of inanimate objects and the "spirit" world. Both worlds are both completely disjunct and very tightly merged through life. They are disjunct because it's not possible to describe the physical world with spirit laws, nor is it possible to apply physical laws to the spirit world(1).

The two worlds are very much linked together, though, through what we call life. A nice way to describe this is the Dutch word "bezielen", which means to animate, but it literally means something like "to put the soul into" or "to have a soul". At the moment of birth a part or an entity of the spirit world is combined with a part or an entity of the physical world to create a unique binding that could be a human, but it might just as well be an animal, or a plant or something different.

At the moment of death, the two entities separate again. This very special moment can be experienced to more or lesser extent in special occasions when the spirit doesn't entirely consider the body anymore. The closest of course is a near-death experience (NDE), but there's less dramatic events that everybody can even learn, like out-of-body experiences (OBE) and lucid dreams (LD).

As for me personally, I take this model to the extreme. I consider all physical things and all spiritual things to be completely separate and without any means of communicating between the two worlds. On the other hand, all life forms are completely in both worlds and all physical actions will affect the spiritual side just like any spiritual exercise will have an influence on the body. This is a typical mens sana in corpore sano approach (healthy spirit in healthy body) : if you neglect your emotions and ratio, you will suffer physically just like not having any exercise will make you feel down.

In the other chapters, I will show you around quite a number of topics, with obvious ones like OBE and LD first, and proceeding to religion, also more occult ones, and even drug worlds. Before diving into FAQs and stuff I will give an introduction about how the phenomenon that is discussed fits into the concept, what the problems might be, what alternatives there are to my idea and so on.

Rest : < TBD>


(1) There's a lot of convincing theories against mine, specially lately. Recently, I started considering this world view an interesting mind game. It still explains a number of things in an elegant way. (references TBD)