This page is for sarcasm and irony, subtle or otherwise...

It could be about many things though... please feel free to contribute.

I'm listening.


I'll include whatever feels appropriate.

Stuff that's like Murphy's law... or perhaps as heartfelt as Gift of the Magi?

Apologies? Sincere thanks? Sarcastic thanks?

See below for entries for 1997.







 Click here for a swingin' good time, and a little laughter.

Our friend Kea writes:

Dontcha hate it when somebody normally bright suddenly takes an ironic statement completely wrong and nails you to the wall with size #45 staples from a UZI?

Answer: Yes, Kea, I do. Matter of fact, we have a solution. You'll need a chainsaw, drill, gloves, matching handbag, a string of pearls, the latest Stephen King novel, and a bolo tie. Now lean over here and let me whisper exactly what you do with those objects. See, there was this movie once....


Hmmmm.. new friend Kelli writes:

I was looking through your pages, and wow, you are really very good at this. I loved the photos too. Are you single?

Answer: Kelli, if my name was "Diannes", then it would indicate I was plural. Therefore, I must be single.


Just in - an unusual request from a lost soul:

I need a date. Can you help me? Will you include a profile of me on your website? Thanks.

Answer: Oh, dear... to help you find your soulmate, perhaps? It's quite unusual. I mean, Ms. Firings was laughing so hard while reading it!! Good luck, dear. Hmmmmm...::making notes to check prison records of all posting people:::

Click here to read LostChild's hilarity!



RM shares her Countless Thoughts. She originally had titled this piece "Pointless Thoughts" but they are priceless, valuable feelings. Also, 'the sum that adds to...' as the last line had me donning my editing hat and coming up with the "things that count" theme... mathematically speaking.

I simply want to share here that these are the ramblings and feelings of RM, not the work of Ms.Firings. Allow me to add that your additions to this site will never link to anyone's mailbox but my own, with the promise to forward emails to the respective first-contacting party. After that, you are on your own! Unless your name is Thomas, I am NOT your mother.

Click here for RM's ramblings: TheSumThatAddsTo

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