This is me

Ready to go

My amazing Tom Cruise Impression!

My amazing Tom Arnold impression!

My amazing hat!

Soothes this savage beast

lookie here


See me

Makes you go Hmmm

The Internet Movie database


cool pages


LIVE! From
New York! It's
Saturday Night!


A pic taken on 04/04/99
hola quica!

Who the hell am I?

Are you wonderin'... what's up ???

This page represents the most recent B.S. I can think of, for your perusal.

Enjoy. others have, since I started counting. And a whole bunch more before that.

If your pc does not have java, or if your java script is not enabled, then you are missing a message

not quite daily


A still from the japanese version of "Friends"

My friend Quica
  • August 12th 1999 Looks like July got away from me... partly because of how busy I have been and partly how Yahoo! has effected Geocities... I just didn't want to dick around with it... keep checking, because I'm going to rain on this idiot who shot those kids and the Postman. I am also going to start a directory of my friends homepages.
  • June 21st1999 In my opinion, the most beautiful woman who ever lived.
  • June 5th 1999 "THE VELVET FOG" 1925-1999.
  • May 31st 1999 here is an amazing article about New mellenium babies! perhaps even more amazing... someone in this article is named Faith Popcorn.
  • May 28th 1999 Are you surfing the WEB or the INTERNET? Is there a difference?
  • May 12th 1999 Shel Silverstein was a genious.
  • April 26th 1999 The REAL reason Littleton happened. not guns or violent video games, or TV.
  • April 3rd 1999 The Washington Redskins lose it all in court
  • March 30th 1999 Lepper Uprising.
  • March 20th 1999 Updated alot of stuff and created the DEATH site.
  • March 11th 1999 Updated my MUSIC site.
  • March 9th 1999 My current favorite Song "You Get What You Give"
  • February 28th 1999 This oughtta keep ya busy CLICK HERE
  • February 27th 1999 I'm just now making this page new and different... stay tuned.

    great songs from 1997, I was going to up-date this with the new '98 list, but the music in '98 wasn't as good...
    I am on I.C.Q. #3258374

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    Have a look at my Kate Winslet site.

    Check in on, August, she's cool and lets everyone watch what she is doing.