This is me and mine darling Herschel. Such a perfect gem!

Would YOU argue with these woman?

I come from a line of perfect women. At least that  is what my grandmother said about herself and her sisters, although she did say it in Yiddish with a large a spoon in her hand.  So I am not sure if my translation is perfectly accurate.

But I like to think the women we descended from are perfect and so naturally our families are perfect and so must the men we chose to marry be perfect as men could be.

So...where are all the perfect men?

Mine mother always told me to look for a moldable man. Was she talking about Jell-O?  Or was she referring to that fuzzy green stuff that appears on the bread if you don't eat it fast enough (which is never a problem in our house - but some people do experience that).

Anyway mine Uncle Sol was perfect because he made us all laugh hysterically and spent many hours with us as kids.  What a card that Sol was.  What a tush...Give a click on it.

I come from a line of perfect women.

At least that is what my grandmother

said about herself and her sisters.