Chapter I - The Rules


Membership will consist of a network of female book lovers. The size of each chapter is limited to 20 members. Meetings will be held monthly with one anniversary celebration for each chapter. A reading schedule is established in advance, listing the hostess name, book choice, authors name and other critical information.

A leader will be nominated to oversee the activities of each chapter and performs the following functions:

 Welcomes new members

 Facilitates communications among the group

 Records book discussions in journal

 Conducts business reviews in monthly meetings

 Maintains member records

 Tracks attendance


Each member will volunteer to host a meeting and shall:

 Provide a meeting place, food and other meeting essentials

 Foster a lively exchange of thoughts, opinions and ideas

 Maintain active membership (missing no more than 4 consecutive meetings)

 Invite family, friends and professional associates to participate