Hello my name is PEWE and I represent many New York cliques, which I will talk about later, but my first family is THE PUBLIC ANIMALS (TPA) and my very own, Insane Artist (IA) . For many years TPA rocked the streets and train lines (ridgies, ding dongs, flats, irt and bmt) inside and out. Being put down with TPA by DEMO, later to become the Prez myself was some of my best Hip Hop days. I ran with and was put down by almost every clique that rocked: IZ the Wiz T.M.B. / Min, Boozer, Quik R.T.W.,W.O.W., A.C.C.,TL / Rich L.E.S. / Tess XMEN / Boe L.O.C. / Ezo & Spicer C.U.K. / Joey TC / Sir, EKO, EB T.K.C. / Muse, Priest (PE3), KAP, Cer, Scop, Flame, Eubie, Pubo, 2Nice, Lady Pink, Lady Heart, Abby, 2Cute, Frosty Freeze, Sye, Sloan, Desade, Fuzz, Kuz, Adam, REC 127 (r.i.p. my dawg), Sur 167, TPA / Lust Y.S.L. / Rab C.a.C. / Drip & Tron / Kid56 T.K.A., P.I.C./ Par New Wave, TC5 / CEY C.I.T.Y. and any one else I forgot .. respect. Enjoy my official website done by me which will take you thru the years ('81-'87) that I was down for the cause.
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