Grim Reaper with hourglass

Death himself walks...

Death himself walks
From out of the dark
Crosses the road
And crosses the park

He walks the lonely streets
On this dark dreary night
And all who see him pass
Shudder at the sight

Silent as a shadow
With just a whisper he does pass
But for the ones that he comes for
He moves much, much too fast

An hour glass he holds
In his time withered hand
Eyeless sockets watch
The passing of the sand

He reaches a door
As the last sand grain falls
He holds out his hand
And a ghostly voice does call

Inside a soul shudders
A heart there does fail
The hands and a face
Fall deathly pale

Then the soul it does rise
And with death it does walk
Now as old friends
They do stroll and talk

As they walk down the road
A door opens wide
To this death does point
And says go inside

The soul it does quake
But now death does it trust
It heads for the door
Because enter it must

Now death he does turn
And away he does pace
As the soul continues on
To a much better place

So when death you do see
Standing in your door one day
Do not fear him, but go with a smile
For you go to a better place to stay.

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