Jerry's place
Hello! Welcome to my homepage

Hello from Jerry in Minnesota
And welcome...

Some favorite sites...
Expedia...for those who wander like me, and before you go... to learn the area slang first! the PC Magazine site, Shareware,
Excite people search site...

Let me know what you think about the page. Email me at
My ICQ number is 9451914. Feel free to page me anytime.
For chat, I'm jerryj1998 at
AOL, jerryj1999 at Yahoo, and for MSN.

The children...



Computers...Computer Operator and programmer (BASIC)

Broadcasting...On air Radio, Voice work, TV Engineer

  • Life

    Hobbies and Interests: Tennis, Golf, Song writing,
    Guitar, Fishing, Travel (U.K.), Computers,
    and Morgan Horses.

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