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Bat music while you surf!

Welcome to 's  Homepage

        For all those who don't know, Digital Justice is the name of a batman graphic novel/comic book. In fact, it was the first ever fully computer generated comic book, with art, layouts, text, colors all done by computer.

        I have been using the alias for 8 years now ever since i started bbsing and on the net. Actually, most ppls call me DJ in real life as i have made heaps of friends from bbsing and the net.

        In all my searches of the net, there have been no websites based on Digital Justice, and most Batman sites rarely mention it which i think is a shame. So i hope this to be the first unofficial - Batman: Digital Justice website.

        I hope you enjoy your time at my homepage in finding out more about me and please sign my guestbook or send me feedback when you have time.
  • I am contactable at:
       ICQ ********

    This site is about my interests:

    In addition to all the downloadables available on this site you can find out about this website's author. Click on the bat-smiley to learn more.

    Yeah you like appz. I can tell. Its in the eyes. Click on one of the pages below.

  • Page1
    APPZ UPDATE: : Jpeg Optimizer 3.10, CpuIdle 5.6, Image Optimizer 1.13

    You want mp3z or need to know where to find them? Click here. Updated daily with Catwoman's Site of the Week

    Searching for a crack or keygen? Only the best crack links in the business you will find at my page. Click on the method you wish to start searching below.


    Great sites to pick up that app or game you've been looking for. Updated daily with the Commissioner's Site of the Week

    Hacking. Nuking. All the filez you need to survive in todays net world.

    These are links to my friends homepages as well as my guestbook.
    PAGE 1
    Necrobrain, Zak, Wyvern, Tocosar, Cheryl, Scarlet Rose, Poe, Sourmash, Rufus the Flyin' Weirdo Freak, Celeste Heavens
    Page 2
    Nanaki, Boba, Crunch, Undertaker, Electra, Mad Hatter, HmRoid, The Magus, Dekkit, Jade and Sirius Hawke, Sheyd
    PAGE 3
    Hanzo, RpgMaster, Dhamon, Celaeno
    PAGE 4
    Lady Justice, Askani, HAPPYman
    PAGE 5
    Duke Nukem, Winna, Keeshah, Rowanstaff
    PAGE 6
    Blue Ninja, Amara, Drangar

    Email me with feedback or dead links d00dz        Best viewed in Batscape 4.5+

    The Batcounter
    since 18th May 1999

    This site is best viewed with Internet Explorer or Batscape. The BatCounter or Batmusic won't be fully visible using old browsers or Opera. The Batcounter is based on individual IP hits. All characters depicted here are copyright DC Comics. Batman was created by Bob Kane. Batman is © DC Comics, and is used without permission. The background art on this page and subsequent pages are that of Westin, and is used without his permission.
    This site is copyright of Digital Justice. No HTML or pictures that I created may be reproduced without my written consent.
    Disclaimer: The author of this homepage disclaims all responsibility taken from all actions consequenting from the use of knowledge derived from this webpage and subsequent linked webpages. All downloaded cracks, keygens and programs are for educational purposes only, and must be deleted within a 24 hour period of being downloaded. By using this webpage you have agreed to meet these conditions