i sing of Olaf glad and big

hello this is my e.e. cummings page... he is one of my favorite authors... i hope that you enjoy your time here and that you find something that interests you and maybe rearranges a fewmolecules...
some cummings poetry...

  1. anyone lived in a pretty how town
  2. 2 little whos
  3. a-
  4. a clown's smirk in the skull of a baboon
  5. a salesman is an it that stinks Excuse
  6. all ignorance toboggans into know
  7. All in green went my love riding
  8. all which isn't singing is mere talking
  9. a politician is an arse upon
  10. applaws)
  11. as any(men's hells having wrestled with)
  12. as freedom is a breakfastfood
  13. Buffalo Bill's
  14. dying is fine)but Death
  15. but if a living dance upon dead minds
  16. enter no(silence is the blood whose flesh
  17. except in you
  18. ("fire stop thief help murder save the world"
  19. hate blows a bubble of despair into
  20. Hello is what a mirror says
  21. here is little Effie's head
  22. here's to opening upward, to leaf and to
  23. how
  24. Humanity i love you
  25. i carry my heart with me(i carry it in
  26. if(among
  27. if everything happens that can't be done
  28. if i love You
  29. if you like my poems let them
  30. if i have made,my lady,intricate
  31. i have found what you are like
  32. i love you much(most beautiful darling)
  33. in a middle of a room
  34. In Just-
  35. in spite of everything
  36. in time of daffodils(who know
  37. i shall imagine life
  38. i sing of Olaf glad and big
  39. i thank You God for most this amazing
  40. i think you like"
  41. it is at moments after i have dreamed
  42. it may not always be so;and i say
  43. it's over a(see just
  44. it was a goodly co
  45. i've come to ask you if there isn't a
  46. kumrads die because they're told)
  47. l(a
  48. let it go--the
  49. life is more true than reason will deceive
  50. love is a spring at which
  51. luminous tendril of celestial wish
  52. maggie and millie and molly and may
  53. may i feel said he
  54. may my heart always be open to little
  55. Me up at does
  56. might these be thrushes climbing through almost(do they
  57. mr u will not be missed
  58. my(his from daughter's mother's zero mind
  59. my sweet old etcetera
  60. neither could say
  61. "next to of course god america i
  62. no man,if men are gods;but if gods must
  63. nothing false and possible is love
  64. now i lay (with everywhere around
  65. o by the by
  66. of all the blessings which to man
  67. old mr ly
  68. (once like a spark)
  69. one(Floatingly)arrive
  70. open green those
  71. open your heart:
  72. O sweet spontaneous
  73. pity this busy monster manunkind
  74. plato told
  75. proud of his scientific attitude
  76. rain or hail
  77. she being Brand
  78. silence
  79. silently if,out of not knowable
  80. since feeling is first
  81. so in't small one littlest why,
  82. somewhere i never travelled,gladly beyond
  83. speaking of love(of
  84. Spring is like a perhaps hand
  85. squints a blond
  86. "sweet spring is your
  87. the boys i mean are not refined
  88. these(whom;pretends
  89. the wind is a Lady with
  90. this evangelist
  91. this(let's remember)day died again and
  92. this is the garden: colours come and go,
  93. this little bride & groom are
  94. trees
  95. true lovers in each happening of their hearts
  96. Tumbling-hair
  97. up into the silence the green
  98. until and i heard
  99. voices to voices, lip to lip
  100. we love each other very dearly
  101. what if a much of a which of a wind
  102. what over and which under
  103. when faces called flowers float out of the ground
  104. when god decided to invent
  105. when hair falls off and eyes blur And
  106. when life is quite through with
  107. when serpents bargain for the right to squirm
  108. )when what hugs stopping earth than silent is
  109. when you are silent,shining host by guest
  110. which is the very
  111. who are you, litle i
  112. who sharpens every dull
  113. why
  114. yes is a pleasant country:
  115. ygUDuh
  116. your little voice
  117. you shall above all things be glad and young

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