So it begins...


"Shit!" You hit the steering wheel hard, hoping to jar some life into your car."Come on, don't do this to me. Not here...." You try the ingnition once more, but the car's engine refuses to turn over. Near tears, you acknowlege that the car is not going to obey you. Checking the clock, you realize it's 2:00 am. Peering out your window, you notice the rain has finally stopped. "Thank god for little favors..." you think as you open the door. You remember hearing about a late-night club around this area. What was Donna telling you about it? No matter, a club's a club and it's bound to have a phone. The sooner you find it, the sooner you can be out of this god-forsaken place. Listening for a minute, you think you can just make out music not too far away. Zipping up your leather, you start towards it.

Three blocks down you finally see it. It doesn't look like any dance club you've been to. The building appears to be an old warehouse and dominates it's surroundings. There are no signs, no lines of people waiting to get in. If it wasn't for the music and the colored lights that spill from some of the windows, you would assume it was just a factory. Hesitant, you stand undecided on the corner, debating whether to go inside or spend an uncomfortable night cramped in the backseat of your sports car.

The shadow you see out of the corner of your eye decides for you. Hugging yourself, you run across the street towards the safety of the club. Glancing at the street sign, you remember some of what Donna was saying, how the police had found a couple of corpses in this area. "They had been mutilated, some had limbs cut off, and all of them had been drained of their blood...." Silently cursing your selective memory, you shake your head trying to get her words out of your mind.

You reach the entrance of the club and pause. The original warehouse doors had been removed and replaced with elaboratly carved wooden ones. You peer at the designs, but aren't able to make out much in the dim light. Above the doors is a wooden sign, with the word "JEZEBEL'S" engraved on it in gold. Well at least you know the name of the place now.

Pulling the heavy door towards yourself, you enter Jezebel's.