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" Bad guys, archvillains, bullies, antagonists, I'll come out and say it...... They're a shitty lot. And they're there for the entire run of your own personal movie called your life. You get your first real taste of them in school, and it's awful because you simply can't understand what motivates this lot to be so horrible to you for no reason. And, with time, reasons become more apparent, but remain, somehow, equally mystifying for their stupidity. But, at the same time, these villians in your story are, ultimately, as essential a part of this complete breakfast of existence as they form the context of what defines your own character and part in the story. If I had a bagel for everytime I was treated like crud growing up.... HELL for everytime I'm treated as such now, I wouldn't necessarily be a happy person, as I am so little, and could not possibly eat all those bagels, but I would certainly have a LOT of bagels. But it's crucial, how you respond to it all, the names, the abuse, the ignorance. I've seen people get crushed into losing their self-respect, and self esteem from the pressure of what others did to them in the name of ignorance. On the flipside, and perhaps even worse, are the people who grow outright nasty in their outlook of a world they believe is simply waiting to dump on them first, so they do what they can to get the first strike in, basically becomming what they hated in the first place. And really, despite what might be considered as COOOOOL agressive nature will tell you, it's all just perpetuation of the same human sewage. It thrives on that cycle of abuse. "

Why would I want anyone to feel, like I hate feeling?