Well 2009 is flying bye!
I have been teaching at the Orange County High School of the Arts in the Visual Arts Conservatory. The high school is 7-12 grades with about 1300 students, 250 of them with a declared visual arts emphasis.

Another wonderful school year will be over soon! I still find I enjoy the challenge of teaching, and plan to do so for as long as it interests me. Teaching has forced me to organize my ways of doing things ( artists are the worst at organization ) and having to explain ( artists hate to explain ) what I am doing and why in 3 or more ways! It has also helped me in my studio work with new ideas! I guess you do get what you give!

So to all my students: thanks for keeping me challenged and motivated! It has also been great to see those who have graduated and come back to visit during their Winter Break.

My on going challenge is to balance my teaching "job" (how can a job be this much fun!) and my continuing artistic career: my students and my gallery and show commitments. If anyone has some helpful hints please let me know. The only path thru this is a huge amount of discipline and a love of making art!

Recently I have started working at Muddy's Studio. I teach a Thursday night class there (from 6:30-9:30pm). All levels of experience are welcome so contact them if you are interested.

I have also been involved in a growing "Artists Village" area in downtown Santa Ana, California. The Village has been going strong for more than 13 years. There are now may galleries, studios, restaurants, and new artist's lofts in the downtown. Every first Saturday of the month from 7-10 PM the galleries open, also artist's studios are open and there is usually something happening in the street. It's really alot of fun! Come and join us.
Don't miss our OPEN HOUSE at the Santora Building.
Go to the Santora page for directions!
Next OPEN HOUSE is always the first Saturday of the month:
July 4, 2009 from 7-10 PM.

You never know what you will see, hear, experience at the Artists Village Open House so come and find out!

So, What's New with you?!?!
I would love to hear about it! Talk to ME!

copyright � 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Flying Cup Clay: artist, studio, gallery
For more information contact
