Site Contents

The Colour Green
Do-It-Yourself Love Poem
Letter To A Grown-Up Child
Money Cannot Buy...
Mr. Right
Rabbit Stew
Rainbows at Night
The Runner
Short Poems
The Sun and the Moon
Sunset Over the Ocean
What Good Is War?

Word Fun

All-American Word Find
What's Your Phobia?
Australian-American Translation
Do-It-Yourself Award
Net Jargon
Test Your Vocabulary

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My Nephew's webpages
In Memoriam
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My Favourite Quotes
Aussie Songs

What's Your Phobia?

Match the phobias to the correct definitions:

AEROPHOBIA is the fear of:
A) Aerosols..B) Air..C) Airplanes

APIOPHOBIA is the fear of:
A) Apes..B) Bees..C) Aphids

AILUROPHOBIA is the fear of:
A) Illness..B) Sick people..C) Cats

CLAUSTROPHOBIA is the fear of:
A) Santa Claus..B) Clauses..C) Enclosed spaces

BATHOPHOBIA is the fear of:
A) Bathing..B) Swimming..C) Deep places

XEROPHOBIA is the fear of:
A) The number zero..B) Xerox machines..C) Deserts

XENOPHOBIA is the fear of:
A) Xenon lamps..B) Bright lights..C) Foreigners

TACOPHOBIA is the fear of:
A) Tacos..B) Speed..C) Octopus

PHONOPHOBIA is the fear of:
A) Telephones..B) Loudspeakers..C) Noise

HYPNOPHOBIA is the fear of:
A) Sleep..B) Hypnotism..C) Hypochondriacs

ICHTHYOPHOBIA is the fear of:
A) Itchy things..B) Icky things..C) Fish

HIPPOPHOBIA is the fear of:
A) Hippos..B) Horses..C) Hippies

ANDROPHOBIA is the fear of:
A) Androids..B) Men..C) Androgenous people

GALEOPHOBIA is the fear of:
A) Girls..B) Strong winds..C) Sharks

PATHOPHOBIA is the fear of:
A) Roads..B) Illnesses..C) Liars

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