Weener Grrl's Wonderous World of Whatever

my collection of all things insightful, witty and intellectually stimulating

Hey Y'All! I'm a total beginner at this, I've never touched the computer before, so progress is annoyingly slow around these parts. Anyway, this is to be my beutiful, witty, insightful and intellectually stimulating, verbally musical and overall magical page about, well, me. Me and my life. You see, I've always been obsessed with the idea that I can make myself immortal by recording everything about my life, so, since I could think strait, I've been looking for ways to make an imprint of myself everywhere...secure my immortality without selling my soul or freezing myself in liquid carbonite.

As you can see, I have a new, ultra hip look to the Wonderous world of Whatever. It better, since I've been building this page for about, oh, maybe a year. The sad part is, my friend Needles built herself a Richard Dreyfuss page, and has it as scary as hell within weeks. The joys of HTML text books. anyway, here is a link to a rilly cool Richard Dreyfuss web page:

Richard Dreyfuss-o-Rama!
and here, (hold breath) is Needle's brand new page she built with her fellow Richard-ologist, Brendan. Check out the Deftones page and CD pick of the month. I love the exploding chickens.

Brendan and Needle's Yar Yar page


Art and Art Schooling of Weener Girl

Hi, my name's Weener Grrl
The goddess herself. A little about me, with some ugly PHOTOS

My Music page!! Rock n' Roll!

Snowboarding for chickens
All about how I learned to live and love the sport of gods.

Like everyone else, I'm going to keep building and plugging away to make myself immortal, with every facet of my facinating self. So, this page is always going to be changing with my violent mood swings, so come back all the time.

Here's some interesting links to bide your time with!

My Older brother's thrilling page! this has a bunch of pictures of some crazy ass partys he threw in my Studio in our basement, hense all the rather insane looking pen drawings all over the walls.

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Tina the
     Troubled Teen

It's Tina the Troubled Teen!

people have worshipped at the alter of ween.

© 1997 yournamehere19@hotmail.com

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