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Drawings and words

by Anna Fassone

O nostalgie des lieux qui n’étaient point
assez aimés à l’heure passagère,
que je voudrais leur rendre de loin
le geste oublié, l’action supplémentaire!
Revenir sur mes pas, refaire doucement
- et cette fois, seul - tel voyage,
rester à la fontaine davantage,
toucher cet arbre, caresser ce banc...
Monter à la chapelle solitaire
que tous le monde dit sans intérêt;
pousser la grille de ce cimetière,
se taire avec lui qui tant se tait.
Car n’est-ce pas le temps où il importe
de prendre un contact subtile et pieux?
- Tel était fort, c’est que la terre est forte;
et tel se plaint: c’est qu’on la connaît peu.
(R.M.Rilke - “Vergers”)

Entra nel sito

I cannot paint by imagination, because I am not creative. But that does not affect me. What I feel is that drawing for me is not to produce something of beautiful: it is a way to enter a fluid contact with the atmosphere which encircles me, a way of exceeding impotence. A tree can scarcely be petted itself, and only in its trunk; sometimes, a flower can be caressed; but how can we caress bloomed meadows? How can we touch with loving and affected hands the undulations of the hills, the rippling of the waves in a lake? It is to this - sensuous - need of contact that my painting answers. For a long while, my eyes follow native shapes; then my hand caress them, following with the lines of pencils their pliant or rough, their sharp or uncertain directions. What else do the colours add?

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