Pain Of Injustice -- Cosmic Records Of All Personal And Collective Events, Deeds, Expressions

By The Pathwork Guide

My beloved friends, greetings and blessings for all of you. May these words reach your deepest core, your inner understanding and your outer understanding, so that you will be further motivated to plough through the thicket of confusion and illusion until you experience the Great Light.

There are many different kinds of pain in your world, and yet you have but one word in your language to designate so many different varieties of pain. It is the same with many other realities, such as love, for example. There are so many varieties and manifestations of love, and yet there is only one word to describe all these different phenomena. Many other human experiences are not seen in a true light because of the limitation of your conceptual understanding, as well as the limitation of your ability to experience. These limitations, in turn, create limitation of language. Language is your vehicle to communicate, not only with others but also within yourself, for the purpose of creating widened, more realistic understanding. This is a cyclic process, leading either to a benign circle or to a vicious circle. A fuller understanding will lead you to a fuller experience which, in turn, will expand your ability to convey it, to communicate it, and thus to make your experience comprehensible both to yourself and to others. From there it will become organic to expand your language. I venture to say that in a hundred earth years from now your language will contain many concepts as yet unknown. For example, new words will exist to differentiate between different kinds of love or different kinds of pain, or many other states of inner experience.

In the meantime I will help this cyclic process along by discussing different kinds of human experiences now lumped together under one designation. At different phases different human experiences need to be understood in a fuller way and differentiations have to be made. For example, now it is essential that you understand about different kinds of pain.

First let me name a few variations of pain, and then we can focus on one particular pain which you have rarely if ever thought of as one specific pain. The most familiar kind of pain is what you feel when someone wounds you, hates you, wishes to hurt you. This pain feels distinctly different from all other kinds of pain. The confusion of not understanding what pains you and what goes on in you brings about a different kind of pain. The vague feeling that you have created, or at least co-created, your pain without fully understanding how and why gives birth to yet another pain. It is related to the pain of your resistance to being in truth. Then you have the distinct pain of your guilt, a guilt for which you have no intention to make restitution.

Some of the above pains are interrelated. For example, the unwillingness to first face your guilt and then make restitution for it leads to confusion and to frustration. These, in turn, are often projected onto others whom you then blame for causing your pain. These two kinds of pain create a vicious circle. Nevertheless they are entirely different kinds of pain -- the pain of confusion, the pain of frustration, and the pain of unrestituted guilt. They are so different that they deserve two completely different words. And, as I said, one day this will be so. It will develop organically, for the human language reflects the organic development of mankind as a whole.

You have known about and occasionally experienced the above-named pains, although you did not always perceive that each one is a different kind of pain. In other words, one whose nature, whose origin, whose cause, whose dynamics, and whose effects are totally different. They are as different from each other as a sequence of emotions within a vicious or benign circle are different from one another, though they create one another. For example, guilt creates fear; fear creates anger; anger creates self-doubt and self-hate; self-hate creates negative behavior patterns and self-destruction. All these emotions, although interconnected, are as different from one another as one kind of pain is different from another kind of pain.

This serves as a preface to the topic of this lecture and, in itself, will already help to clear up some cobwebs in your mind. The specific pain I wish to discuss here -- and that is so important for most of you to see in a new way at this state of your development -- is the pain of injustice. This type of pain contains more than can be expressed by this word. It is not just actual injustice happening to you here and now. Such injustice could be classified as the pain of being wounded and hurt. There is more to it than that. It is the fear that nothing has any rhyme or reason. In other words, that neither doing good nor doing bad has any effect on the outcome of cosmic history and any effect on evolution.

You will say, and quite rightly, that this pain, this fear is actually a doubt. In other words, it is a lack of faith in a meaningful universe that consists of supreme intelligence, of love, and of justice. There is the pain of doubting -- and therefore the pain of not experiencing -- God's existence. But not to know that all deeds, that all outer and inner attitudes, that all acts, and that all states have distinct consequences creates a specific pain. The knowledge of the truth in this respect establishes the faith without which you suffer the pain of doubt. So the pain of doubt is not the same as the pain of not experiencing justice. The latter leads to the former and the former also leads to the latter, but they are not one and the same. The pain of injustice connotes the fear of a meaningless universe, the fear of chaos. It results from disconnection, and it creates disconnection. If the effects are disconnected from their causes in the field of man's vision, then the fear of meaninglessness results. And that is the specific kind of pain under discussion here.

Man's field of vision is more often than not too narrow to allow him to perceive the connections. This was discussed in a more general way in the lecture on cause and effect. Now we are focusing on a particular aspect of the disconnectedness between cause and effect. We see that this disconnectedness leads to certain ramifications that create a specific kind of pain.

Every phenomenon in the universe is experienced within the human soul. The larger, macrocosmic fear of injustice -- of meaninglessness -- also exists in the microcosm in a personal manner. On your path you constantly deal with this phenomenon, whether or not you are aware of it.

Much of the resistance that you encounter in your personal purification process is based on this existential fear of a meaningless universe, on the fear of the passage of time, and on the pain of life that results from it. Underneath the resistance to face the lower self is the pain of an unjust, chaotic, meaningless creation. Or, to put it a bit more accurately, the lower self is a direct result of the fear and the pain of injustice, of meaninglessness, of chaos. As usual, then it becomes self-perpetuating and it works both ways: the pain of injustice creates negativity, that is, the lower self. And, conversely, the guilt about the lower self fosters an attitude of not deserving salvation, i.e., eternal life, goodness, joy, and utter justice.

When you ponder your progression on your path, then it will become clear to you that in the process of your personal work you frequently encounter a puzzling phenomenon. It is the following: after overcoming resistance -- often very strong resistance -- to face not only lower self traits per se, but also their consequences and their painful effects both on you and on your life, you experience profound relief. It is as though a weight had been lifted off your shoulders, a burden has come off you. Suddenly everything falls into place and fits. Why do you think this happens? It is precisely because now you experience personally -- in your own microcosm -- the fact that life is totally just and totally fair. This is infinitely more important than having to own up to self-destructive devices and to the impairment of your divine nature. These can be corrected. But a universe in which evil could win cannot be corrected, and therefore is an utterly dismal prospect.

A related manifestation is its converse. When you seem to get away with your lower self, then the momentary triumph is very shallow and covers a deep despair. Your dual nature is in constant battle here. One part of you strongly aims for covering it up, for not meeting it, for justifying it, for projecting it out, thereby only increasing the energies of the lower self and the lower self activities. This part of you fights the path process in many ways and aims to deceive your helper, to convince him or her that your cover-ups are valid. But the other part of you is very unhappy when the first part succeeds. When your helper fails to discover your lower-self maneuvers and is blind (just as you are) about the connections -- that is, cause and effect -- then sooner or later you resent your helper for this failure. No matter how much you may have initially battled against seeing the connection between your negative intent and your undesirable experience, you feel truly let down when your helper does not ally himself with your higher self, no matter how covered up it may still be in this regard at the time. A lack of trust in the helper is directly connected with the lack of trust in a fair universe. If you can deceive and win with your negativity -- with your evil, with your destructive attitudes -- then you, realistically and logically, conclude that Creation as a whole is unjust and chaotic. This is perhaps one of the most unbearable pains in the human soul.

I strongly recommend that you focus right now on what I am discussing here. Try to ascertain that behind the resistance to face certain negative aspects lies an even greater resistance, namely your resistance to see that these negative patterns inevitably create negative experiences, undesirable life conditions, and unhappy circumstances. Once you can admit this resistance, then it will be easier to go one layer deeper and become conscious of a deeper longing to make these connections, and of an equally strong fear and pain that no connections exist. In other words, that all is arbitrary and senseless. The resistance to making the connections between cause and effect covers the fear and the pain that no such connections exist. Find the moments of relief in your past work when, after having overcome a resistance, you always felt much more secure about life. With this insight into the hitherto obscure and vague -- and therefore unnamed -- reactions, then you will have made the pain of injustice conscious.

This is why a path such as the one you are choosing for your development and growth -- one that goes into these depths and hidden crevices -- brings a new and true security. It eliminates the pain of injustice because it establishes the connections between cause and effect in your soul life. These connections remain inaccessible as long as the strong resistance is not overcome. Both love for your helper and trust in your helper are commensurate with your good will, your positive intent to help them to help you to see what you most deeply long for. How can you trust in, believe in, and therefore experience a just universe unless you see how every one of your actions, every one of your thoughts, every one of your hidden intentionalities, every one of your feelings, and every one of your attitudes -- both positive and negative -- has definite results and definite effects? Little by little these personal connections unroll themselves and reveal larger processes, gradually leading into the macrocosmic events. At first almost all earthly events seem disconnected from one another. Things happen as if arbitrarily, nonsensically. Only when the microcosmic connections are being made do the macrocosmic events reveal their meaning and their connections, their causes and their effects -- at least to a degree.

As long as you live in the shell of matter, encased in time, then many connections can never be fully made. They remain invisible, although some links can be sensed intuitively. The main connections need faith. But true faith -- which is to some degree experiential -- comes because the person's inner process moves toward an increasing uncovering of the connecting links. This movement allays the fear of the pain of injustice and it heals the wounds caused by it.

Think of your reaction when you witness earthly events of cruelty whose perpetrators seem to remain unapprehended. Or, your reaction when good deeds and genuine love and giving seem to elicit undeserved negative effects, or at least fail to produce just rewards. Sometimes it is possible to go beyond the surface and to see the deeper connections that reveal the perfect justice of life. In other instances it is truly a question of time. The connections and the justice cannot be seen immediately, but the unrolling of time in your dimension makes these connections obvious. For time eventually brings them to the surface.

But often -- in small issues as well as in large ones, in personal issues as well as in general and universal ones -- it is impossible to see the connections. The unrolling of time extends beyond the human vision. All spiritual scriptures speak about the reality of ultimate justice, often perceived and therefore experienced only after man's body is left behind and his vision becomes more extended. The concept of the "Last Judgment" or of "Judgment Day" is an intimation of this fact. These terms convey the fact that there is a time after death when all is revealed. Human beings usually react unfavorably to this concept because they think of it in terms of a punishing deity, of a cruel, unmerciful ruler who would impose more injustice on them. In this ancient concept, God was confused with cruel earthly leaders and unloving human fathers. The true meaning of the final judgment is the revealing of the connections that show the beauty of the faultless justice of the spiritual laws.

The joy and the security that result from this discovery by far outweigh the personal price that needs to be paid for the infringement of divine law. Even if negative karma results from the actions of a lifetime, it is joyfully undertaken once the covers fall off, because living in a just and trustworthy universe has much greater value. This is parallel to experiencing -- at certain stages on your path -- the relief of seeing cause and effect, even if it means paying the price.

On one level man resists because he does not want to be accountable for his misdemeanors. In other words, because he never wants to have to pay the price. On a deep level of his being he dreads this possibility. But he is profoundly relieved when he finally discovers that every smallest particle of consciousness creates effects. These, in turn, must come back to him and extract a price: positively, in a life-affirming way, or negatively, in a life-denying way -- according to the nature of the cause.

How is it possible that all one's deeds, all one's attitudes, all one's most secret intentionalities can be accounted for, often decades later? How can someone's life be adjudged long after the fact? It is important that you first have a concept of and then some understanding of the principle operating here. This will help you to open up your inner valve so as to experience this divine principle intuitively.

Each human being contains an inner substance -- sometimes referred to as the soul substance -- which reflects every particle of the person's life. Nothing is lost, nothing is glossed over. Every thought of any significance, every feeling, every intent, every will direction, every action -- with all of their ramifications -- is imprinted into this substance and is thereby available for review. Thus a person's life may be perused from every conceivable point of view. One's life is truly an open book. All of you contain this inner recording device. One of man's greatest illusions -- and he has many -- is the false belief that thoughts, intentions, and desires can be kept secret, and therefore that they should have no impact. An individual often feels resentful when others react to his unspoken intentions and to his secret negative wishes, as if they should not count. So, whatever seems to have been gotten away with or to have been unaccounted for in an individual's life -- either good or bad -- will ultimately be open and will inevitably have its commensurate effects.

There are definite laws in operation that determine when effects follow causes. For example, when and why in certain instances the effects follow suit relatively quickly, and are thereby immediately traceable, and when and why there is a longer time span between them. It would be too complicated to delve into this now. All I can say at this time is that the more an entity is developed, the faster do the effects follow the causes. The entity who is still relatively undeveloped finds himself in the darkness of groping through the webs of cause and effect, more often than not completely missing the connections. He discovers them much later, when the body is shed as a garment that is no longer needed.

Just as each individual carries his inner soul tableau, in which his personal records are being kept, so does your planet have a soul substance into which all that has ever happened on earth is imprinted. Therefore, it can be read as an immaculately kept record. Some human beings have special gifts of clairvoyance through which parts of this world record are revealed to them. Of course, personal misinterpretations, due to a limited degree of consciousness, can distort this vision. Since this world recording system exists beyond three-dimensional time, then the future -- that is, certain possibilities of reality which are most likely to manifest -- can be just as available to you as the past.

The world substance is infinitely malleable, just as the personal soul substance is. They are of the same material. Nothing that has ever happened in the past, that is happening now, and that will happen in the future is ever lost. Everything imprints itself automatically in this substance. Not only does it show the raw event -- or even the plain, simple thought, the attitude, or the will direction. It also shows the hidden motives, the secret intentions, the exact balance of ambivalent feelings, and the real reasons for making a decision. It registers which alternative either the individual or the collective entity is acting upon. In that way no darkness and no confusion can ever exist in a record. Much argument, much dissension, and much painful struggling in dark and confused states of mind is based on a superficial level of awareness, while the people are actually being affected by the hidden levels of their consciousness.

Clarity of vision totally eliminates all fear and the pain of injustice. It shows without a doubt that you live in an infinitely just creation in which no error is ever possible. But this awareness cannot be given gratuituously. Each entity must develop into it through his struggle. This means overcoming the resistance to making every crevice of the self known and to take responsibility for it. The Scriptures of many religious and spiritual movements have already hinted at ultimate justice. This is all that Judgment Day means. It is the human consciousness, with its present limitations, that interprets judgment in a fearful and therefore undesirable way. The word judgment seems to imply an unloving attitude on the part of those who are supposed to judge. It implies unfairness, arbitrariness, and rejection. This is a projection of humanity's own state of affairs. Divine justice is the full vision of all that which an entity expresses so that the inevitable consequences become the measure and the medicine to grow into wholeness. In other words, into holiness.

First you need to understand and then you need to differentiate between the fear of, and therefore the resistance to, this full vision of the unconcealed revelation of all that is -- of the world substance that hides nothing -- on the one hand, and the deepest longing in your soul for exactly this knowledge and this experience on the other. Only then will you heal the profoundly painful wound that results from believing that you live in an unreliable universe in which there exists no justice. You need to understand the struggle in your soul between these two opposite will directions. When you do so, then you will be able to help its resolution with your clear consciousness. What your outer self often opposes most vigorously your inner self longs for most ardently. When the outer self succeeds and rules the will direction of the manifest, acting personality, then the inner self is in the greatest despair. Sometimes you feel this despair only vaguely, at other times keenly, but you never understand it clearly. This despair is often misinterpreted, and then either life or others are blamed for it.

So, my friends, I say to you: experience the pain of living in an unjust universe. Only when you establish a full awareness of this specific pain can you then, as the next step, establish a full awareness of the struggle in you to heal this pain. In other words, the two opposite will directions. At this point you need to understand that there is no cure for this specific pain but to obtain the relief you resist most That is, to ascertain the connections between the causes that you have set in motion and their effects both on yourself and on others. Once you remove your wall of resistance, then you will see how foolish it was to have had it, and what a relief it is to see the orderliness, the beauty, and the infinite, merciful justice of creation.

Become aware of living and of breathing in a living substance that registers at all times all that you are, all that you manifest, all that you express, all that you strive for. Your being, your aliveness, has an impact on the world you live in, whether you know it or not. Do not fear this fact, do not resist it. You fear and therefore resist knowing this because you believe that your destructive aspects are your essence, your ultimate reality. If this belief that your lower self is your ultimate essence were true, then this would be unbearable. This untruth is whispered into your ears by the forces of darkness whose interest it is that you remain in pain, that you remain in fear, that you remain in confusion, and that you remain disconnected from the greater reality of life. In this state of darkness you prefer to struggle with the pain of an unjust universe, rather than seeing the beauty and the justice of God's Creation and discovering that you are ultimately good.

So you need to pray for the faith in your ultimate divine essence that can fully reveal itself only when you take cognizance of that which covers it up. This step of courage and faith is exactly what you need to take on your path again and again. The awareness of having an impact on life through your being -- in other words, through simply existing -- will give you a tremendous sense of peace and a sense of your own value, rather than frighten you as you unconsciously believe. Then it will mold life, ever newly-unfolding life.

Life's infinite possibilities depend on every single created conscious entity and its decision, in each fraction of time, which way to go. In other words, which way to think, which way to act, which way to will. You are the director of your thoughts. Your thoughts do not befall you. Through your thoughts you create the flow of your feelings and the direction of your vital energies. The you that can make these decisions is the already manifest divinity. It is an illusion to believe that by not making decisions in your thoughts, in your opinions, or in your acts you have no impact. How much more will you doubt when it comes to your non-actions: your lukewarm witholding, your not taking a stand, your not actively searching for the truth at all times! The reality is that your non-actions are also actions that have just as much of an impact as your overt actions. Your soul substance registers the hidden motives for your non-actions. It registers the feelings and the attitudes that are contained in your decision not to act.

Since you are a consciousness, since you are a divine manifestation, then you cannot help breathing into the world substance by virtue of simply existing. All consciousness does that. Being must affect life, simply being. Know of the great privilege, of the great power, of the dignity, of the infinite possibilities that this fact confers on you. Know that each thought that you harbor is a distinct energy formation that sends out waves and rays which create according to the nature of this thought. Open your eyes to the beauty of this fact. In this understanding, experience that you are, even with your present limited consciousness, already now a co-creator of reality. You can either represent God on this level of manifest, material, three-dimensional reality, or you can do the devil's work -- unwittingly in your case, but no less harmfully.

Allow yourself to ponder over, to meditate on, and to visualize that by simply being you constantly send out rays that convey a meaning which then creates distinct effects. Let this new vision lend a new dignity to your life and a new motive for becoming as creative as possible through your very being, for wanting to find the peace and the security that your soul has wished for such a long time. Allow yourself to know that there is perfect, sublime, infallible justice in the world you live in.

My beloved friends, your sphere is ready for new values, for higher values, for new understanding, and for a deepening of insight about the nature of life. Our world is actively involved first with awakening this new awareness and then with encouraging it to express itself practically. Many inroads have been made all over the world through various channels and through various types of divine influx. Little by little new ideas are being spread from various sources. Since the forces of darkness have their power over your sphere, then it is unavoidable that these new values and these new ideas at times are polluted, and therefore are distorted. Nevertheless, the power of the awakening and growing new consciousness cannot be halted. The current is already in flux. The great waters of truth, of love, of wisdom, and of the divine reality of the Christ Consciousness seek their channels and break through all the obstructions. Every one of you can be instrumental in removing more of the obstructions and in halting the pollution of these clear waters.

The earth consciousness is now ready for a great new step. As with the individual consciousness, so it is with a collective entity: If the overall growth and the potential first for the acceptance and then for the understanding of the divine values is hindered by those parts that resist this movement, then crisis and pain are inevitable. Pain and crisis are much more severe in these instances than when the overall consciousness is less developed -- and therefore is on a more even keel. I have said this before in different contexts. World history gives you a clear map of this phenomenon. When there was war and world catastrophe, then the entity earth was ready to take a step in its growth process -- in the expansion of its collective consciousness -- but parts of the entity hindered it through succumbing to resistance. This resistance came from quarters that -- either deliberately or unwittingly -- listened to the inspiration of evil entities and then gained power and influence over the rest of the world. Those who first listened to and then followed these powerful factions are, in their own way, just as responsible as those who are directly instrumental for halting the process of unfoldment.

Your earth sphere is now ready for a big step forward. All the inner faculties have been prepared to enable this step. The forces of darkness know this. Therefore, they use all the means at their disposal to halt the process. To the degree that they succeed, to that degree world crisis ensues. Every one of you has been prepared through your personal path through which you have liberated yourself from much confusion, from much pain, from much guilt, and from much fear. You need to continue to cultivate this process and then to bring it to fruition. Cultivating the process in your own life enables you to become intensely aware of what is at stake. You as an individual can be instrumental in this first by creating truth and order within yourself and then, as a result of this, by helping to do the same for the entity earth.

You often speak of your outreach program. I say to you that your world is ready to listen and to begin to make the effort to understand the new values and the new truths that you are learning here. Many of these values have already become second nature to you. Others you perceive only as vague outlines and you struggle to make them part of you. Be that as it may, you -- this community as a whole -- are ready to reach out and to present to the world much of what you have learned. When you are more aware of the power that you have to mold life, then you will avail yourself of this positive power and you will be open to the guidance that wants to come through many of you and that will reach into your surrounding world in many different ways.

I ask you to make every effort possible to comprehend this lecture and to complete this understanding by linking it up with the preceding lectures of this year. Awareness is growing in you by leaps and bounds. Inner knowing is seeping through you. It will bring you a vision of the world as it really is. The experiential knowing of infinite justice must give you the peace and the security that you long for in your heart. Know that all that you are, all that you think, all that you will, and all that you feel is impressed into a malleable universe. Do not let the initial fear of this thought drive you back into your world of darkness, of fear, of resistance, of distrust, and of pain -- the pain of injustice. The pain of injustice can be healed only when you muster the courage of allowing yourself to know that your negativity causes pain both to others and to yourself. In other words, that it has definite consequences. The courage and the truthfulness of this realism, the maturity of this attitude must -- far from indicating a hopeless state about you and your relationship to God, as you falsely believe -- restore your faith in Christ, restore your faith in love, restore your faith in goodness, restore your faith in mercy, restore your faith in the world as it was created. It will restore your soul, it will restore your faith in yourself, it will restore your faith in God, and it will restore your faith in all that is good.

Since life is change, then your lower self is also a constantly changing aspect of life. Your lower self contains the innate capacity to transform the worst into the best. Taking responsibility for the lower self is no longer difficult for most of you. You have learned to do so and you have thus gained new freedom and new self-esteem. What is still difficult for you to accept is the fact that the aspects of your lower self have definite effects. They influence more of your thinking, of your acting, of your perceptions, and of your reactions than you wish to admit. It is this fear that causes the deeper fear of injustice. By refusing to face the consequences of your lower self, you try to cultivate the illusion that there are no effects. If you pursue this line of inner, unconscious reasoning to its logical end, then you create an imaginary world of injustice. This suits the wishful thinking of the lower self and it makes you afraid of the consequences that you yourself create.

Use this clear indicator, this key. To the degree that you experience fear and anxiety, to that degree you feel the pain of an unjust universe. And to that exact degree you do not want to know that your lower self has effects and consequences. Conversely, to the degree that you name the fear, to that degree you look into the pain of injustice that gnaws at your insides. Furthermore, to the degree that you overcome the resistance to seeing how you wish to disconnect yourself from the consequences of your lower self attitudes, to that degree you will free yourself from an immeasurable burden and you will gain a deep new security It is the security that all is well with life.

You are all blessed, my beloved friends. Many of you have recently learned much in your innermost being. Many of you are still struggling in your growth. But this is a noble struggle that elevates you in the best sense of the word. Continue this noble struggle. Be an instrument for God's Great Plan. Put yourself under Christ's protective energy and consciousness. You live in a sea of love and you breathe into a universe of sheer goodness. Make yourself conscious of this most beautiful of all the facts of life.

March 8, 1978

Copyright 1978 by Center for the Living Force, Inc.