Happiness is a Choice
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<bgsound src="truelove_rsjames.mid" controls="smallconsole" loop=infinite>

You are listening to a midi of Rebecca St. James "True Love" song.


Hi! My name is Christybeth.

I've made this homepage because I have interestes in poetry, music and literature. I want to share some links and my personal poetry with you.

                            Here's a selection of my own poetry:

                             Saved From Fear
                                                                       *God has not given us the
                                                                          spirit of fear, but He has
                                                                          given unto us a spirit of
                                                                          power, a spirit of love
                                                                          and a sound mind.*
   Fear grips it's taloned claws inside of me.
   I feel it moving restlessly, and yet firmly.
   It grows stronger as it takes root in my mind.
   I am it's prisoner, not too soon set free.
   It shows no mercy as it finds my weaknesses
   In the darkest corners of my mind................
   I was freed by a Stranger not too strange.
   Who shook of the shackles attaching Fear to my brain.
   I am no longer it's prisoner.
   Fear knew this prisoner well,
   For it scurried away, in it's own twisted fear.
   But I am free, because of the mercy of this man
   Who decided to give Himself up for me.
   Myth, legend, fairytale, or fact
   This Man saved me.
   He is real, and Fear is real.
   And He is forever ready to take you into His open arms.
   Just believe!



Featured Music Artist


Rebecca St. James has been a tremendous inspiration to me and she is constantly, mightily used by God. Be sure to check out this link on her and her awesome music ministry. CLICK on her picture to visit her sight.

Featured Author


This book has literally changed my life and it may change yours too, or maybe just give a different perspective on dating and God's Word. If you are ever interested in finding out what God's Word has to say about dating this book will be fascinating to you as well. The author, Joshua Harris, is extremely talented in the way he has written this book. It doesn't merely give facts but proves to be an interesting piece of literature for teens and adults alike. CLICK on the picture of Joshua Harris' book, "I Kissed Dating Goodbye".

The Bride and Groom

(my next poem page)

Links to my Family

Larinda's Home Page of Support

I would like to recommend my mother's page. She is a very talented woman of God, who has some really good advice on dealing with parenting teens, special needs children, and dealing with chronic illnesses.

John's World

My dad tells of his love for God, nature, family and his heritage(WV and Croatia). Check out his site to learn all about his unique passions.

Nathan's games, warez, cheats, midis and links.

For neat computer gaming information check out my brothers site,he has done a good job.

Tabitha, Our Sweetheart

My little sister who has Turner Syndrome, is autistic and developmentally delayed. She is so completely precious to me, my family and God. This page might be of help to you or someone you know, please visit it or share the link with others.





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Happiness is a Choice

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