End of Sixties. Feeling a strong desire of changing the way Rock’n Roll was being played at that time, pioneers groups started a movement in order to create a progressive rock, adding new beats, rhythmic cells, harmonies and melodies from other musical styles .
End of nineties. Inspired by that movement, The Equinócio Group comes with the intention of raising, in a modern view, this proposition, considering a huge demand which is looking for a creative music inside the rock’n roll universe.
As a Power Trio, a bassist, a drummer and a guitar player who also sings form the group. Moreover, they want to be recognised not only by their heavy guitars or the density of their rhythmic section. Harmonic textures and a variety of melodies and rhythms can be found in a work which searches association with life’s dynamic process.


In 1986, the guitarist and singer Marcos Dutra was performing gigs at night clubs in Rio de Janeiro, with the percussionist Paulão (Mr. Paul, ex-Bacamarte, Opus 5), when they decided to form, to create a group where they could develop their own ideas. Therefore, they invited Rogério Izzo (bass) and Léo Gatti (keyboard). This was the first crew of the band, which lasted two months. Afterwards, Rogério Lobo and Paula Niemeyer assumed the drums and keyboard respectively together with  Celso Bollorini, an experienced bassist, who gave his important contribution in order to define Equinócio’s conception.
Curiously, just a few shows happened. At that time, progressive rock was not the mainstream in media. Moreover, the band did not have a manager, which turned things more difficult, although they performed gigs at important places as Teatro Ipanema, Sesc, Let it be and some rock programs on radio and television.
Tired of so much adversity, Celso Bollorini left the group. It seemed to be the end of a dream. However, Marcos still believed in his artistic ideals. He invited Paulo Andrade, a talented bass guitar player who had already done jam sessions with the group. They decided to keep the power trio form, assumed in 1997 and started doing tests in order to find a new drummer. This had always been the biggest Equinócio’s problem. They spent such a long time looking for a drummer who had rock’roll attitude associated to a wide background in terms of influences, styles. Fortunately, a Marcos’ neighbour musician suggested him a drummer, André Drummond. Tested and approved, nowadays he is essential for the group.
As they used to say, there are so many things in common, a firm proposal and, of course, talent. Rehearsing in a studio since last February, they want to show that the dream of 1986 still lives, revitalised and modernised. Even considering unfavourable trends in media in general, the guys want their chance to show how good they are. So the story goes...

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