Poison Ivy-Journals That Sting


This is a webring for online journals written by women and men whose words don't pander to the timid. They can be sassy, angry, psychotic, funny, or depressed, but these journal writers don't censor their feelings. Please, no fictional journals, and no complaints about the ideas/views expressed in other journals. To be blunt, you don't like it, you don't have to be a member.

If you want to join the Poison Ivy webring, there's a few requirements.

Your online journal must have been up for at least a month.

It can't be any run-of-the-mill journal. There has to be a certain vivaciousness, life--sting, if you will--in your writing.

You need to put up the HTML fragment before your site will be inserted into the ring.

It must be pleasing to the eye (no eye-burningly bright colors, broken HTML, and some semblance of structure), and fairly easy to navigate.

You must be 18 or over. Exceptions will be made if your writing demonstrates that your maturity is at least at that level. Exceptions, however, are few and far between.

You must update at least once every couple weeks or so. If I notice you haven't updated in a month, I'll move your site to the queue. If I don't get a response, and a couple months go by without any updates, I'll remove your site from the ring. At any time, after I have removed your site for lack of updates, you may reapply (assuming you've resumed updating).

I am not your babysitter. If you do not keep the ring code up, or you don’t update, I’m just going to remove your site from the ring. Also, if you don’t make it in, I’m not going to let you know. Assume that you’re not in unless I tell you otherwise (you will get an e-mail notifying you of insertion of your site into this ring)

No password-protected journals. I hate password-protected journals. If you're that worried about your privacy, I'd suggest you give up publishing your day-to-day activities online and use a paper journal, like the rest of the world. If, while your site is part of the webring, you make it password-protected, I will simply remove it.

Things to do:
Submit a Site
HTML Fragment
Edit Site Information
Poison Ivy Index
Visit a Random Site in The Ring

Once you've submitted the site, you should be notified of acceptance in 3-4 days. Go ahead and save the graphic on your site, as well as putting up the html fragment.

Questions? Complaints? E-mail Me!
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