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The tight dark blue jeans page

My name is John Levvi. You might imagine that I since I was little, people at school were joking about my name!


I didn't like that at all and swore NEVER EVER to wear a blue jeans. Some later I thought to discover that they were a sort of uniform, everybody wanted to wear. This made me feel still more unpleasant with it.


But then at a sudden while I was at High School I discovered how beautiful blue jeans can be. I loved especially the darkest ones. The only condition was that they had to be still blue, not black.


I watched boys and girls wearing jeanswear: very tight jeans and jackets. Nice when a white t-shirt was worn with it and a pair of sports shoes. This was the most standard, "uniform" way of wearing them. A crew haircut would complete the view.

The passion grew stronger and stronger. I checked newspapers, magazines and fashion catalogues for images. I zapped the television channels looking for pieces of jeanswear: films, shows, lessons where people were wearing tight dark jeans.


Especially between 1979 and 1984 I found many examples. People wore straight tight jeans. Dark with yellow and white stitches. Also nice was the border at the bottom fold inside out. And of course a big amount of nails. The best was the 5-pocket stretch jeans.

Still better: worn for several months some sexy parts became more evident =white: the butt, the upper legs and the knees.

The nicest was: almost EVERYBODY was wearing them.


But I still did not wear them. I once tried a very tight one, but then did not dare to buy it. The step was to big, also to wear the uniform as the others did. And then it ws too late, because the tight dark blue jeans period had finished soon. Now fashion liked lighter colours and loose fit models.


I had to wait till 1992 (and later) for the come back of the dark jeans. Now I tried them on and pressed myself to buy them. When I was over the first scrupules, I gave myself over to the jeans.


Now I'm almost always wearing a very tight dark blue jeans and a jeans jacket. I prefer especially jeans with a nice stitches along the legs like the W- jeans (with a W on the butt pockets).


But now it's time for images!

And links!

Any comments, images or whatever? please send them to: my adress

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