Welcome to The Pennsylvania Iron Furnace Source Book Index Directory !

Wharton Furnace Pennsylvania Iron Furnace            
Source Book Index      

by Raymond A. Washlaski & Ryan P. Washlaski
A Publication of The 19th Century Society

Updated June 22, 1999

    Pennsylvania Iron Furnace Source Book is a Bibliographical Source for the 18th and 19th century Iron Works of Pennsylvania: The Stone Blast Furnaces, Forges, Rolling Mills & Iron Works of Pennsylvania are indexed by Pennsylvania County and also in an everyname index which includes the owners and workers of the Furnaces & Iron Works, with links to individual furnace pages containing pictures, bibliographical sources , and location information for these iron works.

     With the increasing interest, both popular and academic, in the Industrial Heritage of Pennsylvania, there is a parallel need for research tools, such as bibliographics, which can provide research workers with essential information.  The 18th and 19th century Iron Industry in Pennsylvania is one of these areas in which much written material exists; but unfortunately, no main bibliographical source of these works has been done.  This work is an attempt to compile such a bibliography.  Although most main reference sources contain a bibliography, not one has broken these references down into sources for individual Iron Works.  The Iron Furnace Source Book of Pennsylvania is such a compilation.

This web site is a work in progress, over 500 pages of data has been compiled, to-date and will take some time to transfer to the web, please bear with us.


Mercers, an Undertakers Business - Web Productions If you have additional pictures or information on the Furnaces Contact Ray Washlaski
Need a web site for your family or organization, The "Mercers, an Undertakers" Business Web Productions,  will do it for you at a reasonable cost,  contact the
"Mercers, an Undertakers"

Copyright 1999, All rights reserved, by Ryan P. Washlaski, &  Raymond A. Washlaski. The 19th Century Society.

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