MOVIE WEEK: 10/21-27/98

Hollywood Dish - The Scoop on
your Fave Celebs

......Sarah Michelle Gellar may kick major butt on her TV show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but that doesn't mean that she wants to be called a feminist. In fact, Sarah Michelle says in the upcoming edition of USA Weekend that she hates the label. "I hate the word," says the 21-year-old actress. "Do I consider myself a strong female individual? Uh-huh. Can I take care of myself? Yeah, sure." But for the Emmy-winning actress, the word feminist brings to mind women that don't shave their legs. But while Sarah Michelle may not be hanging with Camille Paglia or Gloria Steinem any time soon, she also doesn't get into Hollywood's standard notions of beauty. On being named one of People's 50 Most Beautiful People, Sarah Michelle says, "It's annoying because sometimes you meet people and they think, 'Look, another cute little blond actress.' That's not who I am."