Star - 1/18/2000

Buffy Beauty in Steamy Fling
With Married Costar

Read Sarah's response to
this trashy crap here

.......Sexy Sarah Michelle Gellar is now in a hot and heavy real-life romance with hunky David Boreanaz-her former costar and love interest on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Star has learned that Gellar, 22, and Boreanaz, 29 - who now stars in his own spin-off show Angel-have been seen cuddling and holding hands at several Los Angeles hot spots.
.......Boreanaz recently filed for divorce amid reports that he's harbored a crush on the Buffy star since the show began. "David's had a thing for Sarah for a long time, but he was married," says a show insider. Even then, the actor was said to be flirting up a storm with Sarah-and their sizzling love scenes seemed so real it raised alot of eyebrows.
.......On Buffy, Boreanaz played the vampire lover who shadowed and protected Sarah's Slayer character. Sarah and David have always had a special bond," says the show insider. "They developed a close relationship working together on the show, but they insisted it was just friendship."
.......After Boreanaz's 2-year marriage fell apart and he filed for divorce Oct. 15th, his attentions quickly turned toward Sarah. "The spark was already there," an insider tells Star. On one recent night at celeb hotspot Jerry's Deli, the couple were seen hugging in between bites of tuna sandwiches and sips of soda. "It must be love," says a source. "They were sitting close together in a booth and acting very flirtatious. They were definitely into each other. They were paying more attention to themselves than they were the food." Later, Sarah and her hunk were seen cavorting at the bowling alley next door. "Judging by the way Sarah was flirting and prancing around, you could tell that she's really into David," says the source.
.......The couple also showed up together, hand in hand, at a Christmas party in the Hollywood Hills. "Sarah and David were acting very lovey-dovey that night," says a source. "They were drinking hot cider out of the same cup and strolled out on the balcony to enjoy the bright city lights. They definitely make a cute couple." Another insider adds: "David's a romantic in the truest sense of the word. He sent her flowers on the set just because he knew it would make her smile. He's always visiting her at work and complimenting her clothes and her ever-changing hairstyles."
.......They're also frequently calling each other on their cell phones, now that they're on different shows. "Their cell phone bills are going through the roof, but David doesn't care," says the insider.
.......Another thing they have in common is their taste in food. Sarah, who tries to eat healthy, has treated Boreanaz to her favorite chineese restaurant, California Wok on L.A's Ventura Boulevard, where they munched on steamed chicken and vegetables, says another source. "If a guy can't eat healthy, and all he wants is hamburgers and french fries, Sarah's not interested," says the insider. "But David's just as much into plain, health-consciously prepared food as she is. So he's a winner in her book."
.......In the past, Sarah's dated actors Jerry O'Connell and Freddie Prinze Jr

(EDITORIAL: I hardly know where to begin, there's so much that needs to be said here. First and foremost, remember that this article came from a sleezebag, trashy supermarket tabloid. You know, the people who HAVE SEEN Elvis, and his three-headed green baby, and KNOW that aliens live on the roof of the Whitehouse. If you feel this way, why did you print it? you ask. Someone needs to speak in Sarah and David's defense. The same freedom of speech that allows them to slander her allows me to speak my mind in safety. Welcome to America. You're going to read it might as well read it from someone who actually cares about them. I despise the way these people will twist words to make you think what they want you to think, when there is nothing "going on." (For those of you who don't know, this article was mentioned on the cover, and includes a large, sweet, cozy pic of them together) Notice how nothing definite is said, here? There is no commitment, no vows, etc...Sarah and David love each other. Well duh. They've been friends for some time. This is true. I count a possible 5 different "sources" or "insiders". Notice how they are SO ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES that they don't dare to give thier names? If I speak the truth, I have no shame, and nothing to fear. You can tell the world that John said that. So, is it true or not? I wonder...

Ok, what next? "It must be love....they were sitting close together in a booth and..." You know, when my girlfriend and I go out, I usually sit her at a table, then I sit across the room and we...HELLLLOOOO, of course they were sitting close together. They were out together. That doesn't mean a thing.
"They were paying more attention to themselves than the food..." Oh, c'mon. If your food is more fasinating than your date, go home.
"He sent her flowers on the set just because he knew it would make her smile." Alyson would do the same thing, and she loves Sarah too. Are they gay? I doubt it. Everybody that works with her loves her, and she's been known to recieve flowers from people before, BECAUSE THEY MAKE HER SMILE.
"They were seen...cavorting at the bowling alley..." They were having fun. Usually you do that on a date, or even when you're just out with a friend you care about. Generally, people that go out are in a good mood.
You notice how some facts are here, but they are clearly made to make you think that these two are babbling, drooling brainless love-struck idiots? I do not see one direct quote, not one single, undeniable line of proof that I can carve in stone, saying that they are dating each other. Let's get one thing clear. Maybe Sarah and David are seeing each other romantically. I honestly hope they are, because I love Sarah very much, and I know what it's like to be lonely. I wish that on nobody, especially her. But this article is by no means conclusive, although it clearly wants you to think it is. I feel the need to write this, because as I transcribe this, I feel dirty, like I am betraying her, or something, and it hurts. I almost didn't even put this article on my site, because of the way it makes me feel as I type it. I resent the way the bitch who wrote this deliberately twisted things to make them look wild, just to sell her damn paper. That's trashy. "...steamy fling with married...? Please. Don't tell me you don't see sensationalism here. If they can't sell without sensationalism, they're in the wrong line of work. Sarah WILL NOT be slandered here, or misrepresented. Maybe I'm over-reacting, because I love her so much, or I'm reading between the wrong lines, or both. I don't know. I only know what I feel...So, anyway, David was married. Fact. Now, he's not. Maybe they're dating, maybe not. I don't know for sure, and God knows there's no proof here, decide...)