Palm Reading

The 1st and the only palmist who can tell your past, present, future, about your life, health, accidents, marriage, luck, fate, success and much more from just your palm prints. Get insight into raising you children. Definition Each person’s hand is different. From the palms, it can be seen if one will be famous or rich, at some point of life; whether one will lose one’s fame or riches. I can tell if you will marry and if the person will have a good effect or bad effect in your life; if you will have a divorce and if the divorce is going to be a bitter one. There are people who are born jealous and they make their lives and the lives of the people around them miserable. By knowing this fact, a person can work on this trait and better his/her life. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- History.......................... The history of Palm Reading originates from India and moved on to China, Egypt, and ancient Greece, taking it's own shape in each country. According to the book "Physiognomy & Palmistry" written by Pythagoras who was a great philosopher and mathematician in ancient Greek times, Western Palmistry has a 2500 year history which could be traced back to the years between 582 BC and 497 BC..... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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