disclaimer: as this page is under the category of : religion and beliefs on geocities, i get alot of non-wiccan ads. please excuse this as i still think that my religion is actually a religion... therefore, we have to put up with these ads. thanks.

The link below is for women who want to know more about their bodies. It's for women who want to be healthier and lead more natural lives free of chemicals. Learn natural methods of birth control that actually work and find products to use during your monthly cycle and yeast infections.

Women's Health Section

This page is dedicated to all of the people who struggle to be an individual in a world that doesn't ask, but ORDERS for us to conform.
For those of you who are curious exactly what Wicca is, check out the beginners page. Wiccans are working hard to dispel the negative feelings towards witches of all kinds--and education is the key. By exposing the basics of our religion we hope to enlighten those who might try to condemn Wicca/Witches on the basis that it is "evil" or "satan worship". Wicca does not even believe in Hell or the Devil--so we can hardly be either!

Some awesome Quotes
How To Pray Correctly and Effectively
The Triple Goddess

I'm always seeing (on bulletin boards) people just starting out, who have no idea what to do. So I decided to make a page for people who are just beginning or want to know what Wicca is and what Wiccans do.
All of this is very basic, ecclectic knowledge (by ecclectic, i mean, not from any one tradition)

1.wiccan beliefs 2.beginners 3.rituals 4.wiccan words
5.color etc. corresspondences 6.the elements & you 7.our holidays 8.more advanced

foods & recipes my occult experiences breathing and visual techniques
how to have an OBE a page on cats stuff about me
diff. forms of divination other cool & informative sites a wiccan marriage for solitaires

Of Religion
by Nox Algiz
Some people cling to a religion as a lost man drowning at sea. Some people flat in the sea and go with the flow, and yet others don't even glimpse of a sea at all, but walk on dry land all their days.
Is the man who walks on dry land better or worse then those who stay in the sea? Even without religion, a person can find strength. That strength does not come from some outside force; a deity or a spirit; it comes from within that person. Everyone has their own beliefs. Everyone should have their own beliefs. Someone once said: "There are many paths up the mountain but all lead to the summit." If everyone took the same path it would get too crowded… trying to make someone conform to your path is almost a cruel endeavor. It does not "save" that person, it belittles them. It takes away what experiences, and observations, and just plain thought that that person has gone through to reach their own theories and philosophies on life. It rips out years of study and thought only to mold those perfectly formed ideas into another shape—one the individual no longer recognizes, ones the person can no longer identify with, ones that only make sense to others, but not to the conformee. People are the different colors of the rainbow, and each color must have it's own distinct path—blending with the others too much will cause the original color to be indistinguishable—it will be a new color, but muted, silenced, heavy and cowed. Who is better?
The man who flows with the sea? Who only stays there because there are others in the water with him. A man who has no idea of his place in the universe, but will always pretend to know…
How about the man clutching his religion as a life preserver, trying desperately to make others conform so that he can have something else to cling to? Someone to help him try to understand his own beliefs--ones he may not fully be sure of himself?
Or is it the one who walks on dry land and never sees a sea of religion at all? One who goes through life seeing only the material and never looking inside and beyond.
The answer is none.
It is the woman who plows her tiny boat through the water, making small waves as she passes. It is the woman who touches lives softly but definitely, but never pushes or shoves. It is she that voices her opinion only to open eyes, but never to close them.
That is the True Nature. That is the Pathway. That is religion.

& Keep checking back, because I am ever at work. You can e-mail me here if you want to comment on anything.

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