Advice For Students

This page is now rather out of date, but I am leaving it up as a form of explanation for those of you looking for my email address and guestbook. I've finally had to give up on those after almost four years of receiving requests that I do other people's research for them, and even to write their papers for them. I've also gotten tired of rude guestbook entries like the ones below.

If you've come to this page, you're in the process of researching Henry VIII or Tudor England for a school project or report (unless you're just particularly curious, and decided to click on the link to this page!). So taking this for granted, I'd like to take a moment to give you some pointers that might help you on your way.

I have written these pages because of my nearly lifelong interest in the Tudors, particularly in Henry VIII. I am not a history professor or teacher, and I haven't been paid either a salary or royalties for the information I've posted. At this time, I do not have source materials available to me -- this means that I do not have books handy. I had to leave my books about the Tudors behind when I moved from America to Australia -- they were just too heavy and expensive to move. For this reason, you will not be able to use me as a definitive source, because I cannot give you specific references to source material. The information here is an amalgamation of information that I have gathered in reading about the Tudors since I was ten years old. That's thirty years worth of interest and study -- but I can't supply footnotes.

My information, so far as I know, is accurate, and has been checked by a number of academicians who have visited the site. They also say it is accurate. But because I have not had access to resource materials, I have avoided a "timeline/date" oriented approach. My interest has always been in the human side of history -- not particularly academically acceptable, but there you are. If you are looking for a list of dates, a timeline, or in-depth analyses of governmental machinations during Henry's time, you will not find that information here. I have linked to a number of more scholarly sites that contain such information -- and there are many, MANY books out there about these events. Which brings me to my next point:

The Internet is not a substitute for a library! Though there is a lot of information about the Tudors on the Internet, it is all posted, with the exception of the British Monarchy Website (see my Henry Links page for the link), by people with an interest in the Tudors -- not by academic institutions or historical societies. This doesn't mean that the information on these sites is not correct, but remember -- the Internet is a free forum -- anyone can post just about anything that they want. I could make a webpage that states that Henry VIII was a blue baboon from the Moon. Just because you see it on a website doesn't mean it's the truth! My site is intended to be an overview of Henry and his wives -- it is not a definitive be-all and end-all resource. Use the information here by all means, enjoy it if it's an interest of yours, but don't neglect to do your research properly. This includes using your local public, state and university libraries! You will find far more information about the Tudors there than in the handful of Tudor sites on the Internet!

Okay, why am I telling you all this?

I am sure that nine tenths of the people who come to my site looking for information do just that -- they look through, find what they can use, and go on their merry way. I don't hear from them, either in the guestbook, or at the email address I provide for comments or questions. They're just one in the figure of over 200 people a day who come to the Henry pages.

Most of the guestbook comments and email comments and questions are good, thought provoking, and include constructive criticism and suggestions. These I don't mind at all, and frequently take to heart, making changes in the pages when I think someone has a good point. I have also helped a number of people who want information for projects or webpages of their own about the Tudors. I am always happy to oblige.

Lately, however, another element has begun to creep in -- those who think that I'm going to write their research paper or homework project for them. Just this week there have been two incidents, which made me finally decide once and for all to write this page.

One request came from a parent who wanted information on childhood in Tudor times, for her daughter's school project. Realizing that this is a rather obscure subject, and finding myself that there was little about it on the Internet, I (the perennial patsy), spent about two hours composing an email containing just about everything I know about the subject. I sent it off -- and never heard a peep back! Not "thank you", not "we appreciate it", not "drop dead" -- nothing. The parent had requested that I answer as soon as possible, which I did, but wasn't going to show me the same courtesy in return.

The second request came in three days later -- a young lady in high school claims that she is supposed to interview someone about this subject. She then gives me four questions to answer which would fill a huge book if I did it thoroughly -- and they aren't about MY interest in the Tudors, or why I wrote the webpages, or what you would expect in "an interview". The questions are obviously the questions she has been asked to answer herself in a research paper. Pardon me -- I went through school without the Internet (ancient fossil that I am). I didn't have the opportunity to email people out of the blue and ask them to do my projects for me in the guise of flattering them with "an interview". This isn't fair, and it isn't honest. The point of school, and research papers is to teach the skills of research and composition. Getting someone else to do the work for you is cheating. Period.

If you have a legitimate question about Henry VIII or Tudor England, by all means, ask it. I will be glad to reply. But don't send me a list of questions that, when answered, will constitute your term paper! And telling me that your report is due tomorrow, so I'd better hurry is enough to send me to the delete button -- because my question to you is "why did you wait until the last minute to do your homework?"

Guestbook Etiquette

Originally, the guestbook was an open forum, where I felt free to let people comment and ask questions at will. Of late, however, among the many genuine posts, I have been getting a number that are obscene, bogus, and just plain insulting. I have never removed a guestbook post because it was critical -- but I will remove any that are full of foul language, threatening, obviously phony or rudely insulting. Just so everyone knows what I mean, I will give a few examples (these are the real thing, I'm not making them up):

" Why did you made (sic) this page? All that's here is a picture of a fat ugly old man. You suck. "

My response to this? Haven't you ever learned how to click on a link? Yes, the "fat ugly old man" is on the first page of the site -- there are only eight more pages branching off from it, with lots of information!

" Why make a page about Henry VIII? Only a real faggot would make a page about such a looser (sic) -- signed by Rupaul "

My response? Get a life kid! And learn to spell.

" I hate this page! I came here looking for my report, and all you have is stuff about his wifes (sic)! "

My response? Does your mommy still spoon feed you, darlin'? How am I supposed to know what you need for your report? I can't predict everyone's needs, and I DO have lots of links that will take you to more definitive sites. Stop whining!

"this page sux. i hate you. go f*** yurself (sic)."

My response? Find a psychiatrist, fast. You need medication.

Dreary, isn't it? I've finally had to put the guestbook on moderated status -- this means that your posts will not appear in the guestbook until I put them into it -- so if you're just going to write something stupid, foulmouthed or obscene, save yourself the time, and go pick on someone else. I have lots of kids coming to this site, and the guestbook is a part of it. They see enough crummy stuff every day without seeing a bunch of nonsense and worse dumped in my guestbook!

So, have fun with the pages. I hope they help you in your quest for information, and in writing your term and research papers. If you have a legitimate question or comment, please feel free to sign the guestbook or send an email to the address listed on the site. If you're looking for me to do your homework for you, or you just want to write cyber grafitti on my virtual walls -- well, you can do that, but no-one but myself will ever see your efforts.

And I should note, that the guestbook, and the email address log your IP number -- by which you can be traced. Any threatening or blatantly obscene or harassing stuff, and your ISP will be notified. They take this stuff seriously, folks. Is losing your Internet service or being reported to your school if you're using their computer really worth a couple of moments of nasty satisfaction?

Now, lecture over and done with. Best of luck with the projects and reports!

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