The Henry VIII Links Page

The links on this page will be updated from time to time. Keep checking back.

Tudor England

Suite, Tudor England: Excellent site with lots of information on the entire Tudor era, with many links to other excellent sites. A must-see.

Henry bios and information

Britannia--The Monarchs of England: Good bio, pictures of young and old Henry, link to genealogy of British monarchy.

Historic Royal Profiles -- Henry VIII The official British Monarchy Website Henry Biography

Tudor England: Lots of info and links.

Historical Facts of Henry VIII: Biography.

Catholic Encyclopedia--Henry VIII: Excellent biography, point of view of Catholic Church regarding Henry's Reformation.

Homepage of Greenwich 2000: with a direct link to a timeline of Henry's reign.

Places to Visit

Go back in time and see some of the places Henry and his court frequented.

Hever Castle: Home of Anne Boleyn before her marriage to Henry. Nice picture. Only one page, but if you're planning a trip to England, Hever Castle is worth a stop.

Hampton Court: The fabulous palace built by Cardinal Wolsey, which Henry appropriated after Wolsey's death. Great virtual tour.

The Mary Rose: Visit Henry's warship,which sank during a battle with the French near the end of his reign. Now raised and displayed in Portsmouth, England. Great page with lots of Henry info.

Henry's Children

Edward VI:

Britannia: The Monarchs of England--Edward VI

Mary I:

Britannia: The Monarchs of England--Mary I

The Catholic Encyclopedia: Mary Tudor

Amazon Book List: Mary Tudor Listing

Elizabeth I:

Britannia: The Monarchs of England--Elizabeth I

Elizabeth I

Lucid Cafe's Elizabeth I

People of Henry's Time and Court

Thomas Cranmer:

Cranmer and the Book of Common Prayer

Homilies by Thomas Cranmer

Thomas More:

About Thomas More

Writings of Thomas More

About Thomas More's Utopia

Bishop John Fisher:

Catholic Encyclopedia: John Fisher

Lady Jane Grey:

About Lady Jane Grey, The Nine Days Queen

Henry Products

Products? Take a look.

Henry's Compositions: Order music manuscript of Henry's works.

Other Stuff

The Grey Company Homepage: Recreations of Tudor clothing.

A fabulous re-creation of one of Henry's outfits done by a very talented seamstress!

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