My Personal Bio Page

When a miracle is dropped into your lap, it would be a sin to brush it away and pretend you never saw it.

I've always said that a life can change in the blink of an eye, and the last six years of my own life have proved me right!

My particular miracle is named Brian David Ford--the man I love, the man I married six years ago.

Sometimes all you have to do to see a miracle, is simply open your eyes.

During the last thirty-odd years, I have been variously employed as a clothing sales clerk, a wallpaper salesperson and demonstrator, a ghost writer, an actor, singer and dancer, a street musician, an herbalist, a special education teacher, a stablekeeper, a farmer, a market researcher, an office manager and a medical records technician (whatever that is).

But all these professions were merely a means to an end--WRITING.

I've written almost since I could hold a crayon and knew a few words. I've a had a few pieces published in little bitty journals that nobody reads, but I hope and work for bigger and better things.

Presently I am rewriting my novel, Karama, and have gotten a big portion of its sequel, Perfect Gentle Knight underway. I am also in the process of writing a series of novels based on another world - fantasy but without the "fantasy" elements that have become so trite and stereotyped. I can come close to living without food, but I can't live without writing--even if I write on a brown paper bag!

My husband and I own our own shop in in the heart of the beautiful Blue Mountains of Australia. I sell jewelry I design as well as other local crafts, diecast model cars and anything else that strikes me as something people will like. My philosophy is to keep prices reasonable and your customers will keep coming back. It's worked for two years and still going strong!

I like Vincent Van Gogh, Charlotte Bronte, Henry VIII and Leonard Cohen. I have very little time for sit-coms, reality TV and celebrity worship. I dislike the current fashion trends, and think they do anyone who wears them a disservice.

Shadowlands is a movie I watched more than once. So was To Kill a Mockingbird. So was Ghandi. I confess a liking for cafe' latte' and sushi with li'l purple baby octopusses on it. I am also particularly fond of a decently done rare steak.

My first forty-eight years have been fraught with surprises and unexpected turns--but it sure has been an interesting ride.

I don't believe there is such a thing as a dull day.

Oh, and all that statistical stuff!

Born: November, 1959, Washington, D.C., USA.

Moved to Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 1964.

Attended Louisiana public schools, graduated 1977.

Attended Louisiana State University, graduated 1981.

Became an Australian citizen two years ago.

Have three critters - a pug named Harry (Henry VIII of course, King Hal), a French Bulldog named Shadow (The Shadow Knows!) who were both rescues, and a CorellaXGalah Cockatoo, a manmade breed, also a rescue.

Presently reside in the beautiful Blue Mountains of Australia, with Brian.

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