Plans for the Future.

Wow, how time flies when your so busy in the present to be thinking about the future!

Things are looking every interesting lately. I have the opportunity to move my studio location and living arrangements. I am presently looking at Costa Mesa area. The possiblity of getting into the Laguna Arts Festival, which runs during the summer (July-Sept.) could be very exciting. I have several local shows that I do. I have been pulling back from doing too many galleries and want to spend more time in my studio, wherever it may be, to create my next masterpiece.

Well of course by now you know that things have changed for me. Alot of the above thoughts happened because of an impending move that I have just finished. I still have demand for the artwork and have been doing most of it out of my site at school. Several studio opportunities have come up, but in light of the current economic climate, I think the best thing is to remain as lean a business as possible.

If you have any questions or comments please e-mail me!

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