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Your one-stop Educational power source for Long Ear & Exotic equine breeds!

Although this site is primarily geared towards those in the Model Horse Hobby (Collectors, Showers, Artists), we are happy to share our collective knowledge & experience of Donkey, Mule/Hinny, Zebra/Quagga, Zebroid/Zebrass, Przewalski and Tarpan, with the rest of the World.

We are a International group comprised of Collectors, Showers, Sculptors, and Artists, dedicated to educating and promoting the Longear & Exotic, whether in plastic, china, resin, or other medium.

Some of our members are even fortunate enough to be able to share their lives with a real (living/breathing) donkey, mule, or zebra!

If you'd like to get in on some of our lively discussions, we invite you to become a fellow "BrayBrat" and sign up with our newsgroup, "BrayNet." What better way to talk "longear" and stay on top of new mold releases, current events, upcoming shows, etc.

Subscribe to BrayNet Listserve/Newsgroup, it's FREE
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Copyright Notice:

©2004. Graphics herein are protected by existing Copyright Laws and ARE NOT to be used without explicit permission from either ALES and/or the original copyright holders. For more information on existing copyright laws, visit the official Copyright Website.

Proud Member of the following Webrings...

Wide Web of Model Horses
This Wide Web of Model Horses
site is owned by Juanita Snyder/ALES

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Want to join the ring?
Click here for joining info.

Model Horse Web Ring
This Model Horse Web Ring site
is owned by Juanita Snyder/ALES

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Want to join the ring?
Click here for more info.

Breyer Animal Creations Webring
This Breyer Animal Creations Webring site is owned by Juanita Snyder/ALES

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Want to join?
Click here for more info.

Model Horse Enthusiasts Webring
This Model Horse Enthusiasts Ring
site is owned by
Juanita Snyder/ALES

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Want to join the ring?
Click here for info.

Horse World Webring
This Horse World site
is owned by Juanita Snyder/ALES

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Want to join the ring?
Click HERE for joining info.

Donkey Lovers Web Ring
This Donkey Lovers Web Ring
site is owned by Juanita Snyder/ALES

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Want to join the ring?
Click here for more info.

Awards graciously bestowed upon us.
Thank You!

Cyber Scout Award of Excellence Pigeonberry's 4 Hooves Up! Award Widaan Award of Pride PetShark Thumbs Up Award Equine Showcase Site Award Equines of the World Outstanding Award for Webpage Excellence

Also, our Special Thanks to the following:

Starting Point PRONET - International Business Directory Add Me! Dewa USA Online

"There are those who will make fun of your mule. The best defense against them is to... get a good looking mule... and then just show the jokers, don't try to argue... those who came to originally scoff will stay to cheer, it happens all the time... If your mule is worth something to you... he will soon be to others as well... Remember, pride of Ownership is infectious."

--Book: "THE MODERN MULE," by Paul & Betsy Hutchins

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(This Page last updated January 21, 2004)