is the Temple of the MOMMY Goddess...
for the WOMEN of Shamanism and Pagan Ways
Celebrating JOYful Spiritual EXPRESSION

We use SOUND, MOVEMENT, IMAGINATION, LIFE and EMOTION to express ourselves. In TICKLE SPOT we use these to celebrate the LIFE within us, as we play with the MOMMY Goddess. We, Her children are Her "tickle spot" and She is a Delighted Goddess who loves our every way. She is the Goddess who plays. She is the Goddess who quakes with laughter as She embraces Her daughters. Her delight in us is caused by a love that has no condition and is a constant celebration. This celebration is what we explore and express in the pages of TICKLE SPT.

Welcome home, JOY-SISTERS, MOMMY'S here.
Theresa "Heart Dancer" Carey, Editor

As daughters of the MOMMY Goddess, we
express in playful ways to renew our spirit.
Some of these ways are: storytelling,
Sacred Clowning, Wildness, Friendship
(that includes penpals and JOY Wisdom),
and expressing celebration of the MOMMY
Goddess's love in everyday ways.

for an example of what TickleSpot has to offer, click here

1 yr. subscription $17
2 yr. subscription $30
Sample copy $4.25

Send your NAME and ADDRESS with
a check or money order made payable to: THERESA CAREY.

TICKLE SPT of the Goddess magazine
6085 1st Ave.
Miamisburg, OH 45342-5104

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