I Had You Big Time

by Sara Lynn

Originally posted June 23rd 1998


Rating: PG-13

Spoilers: Fight The Future -- big time!

Summary: Missing scene from the movie


I don't want to be blamed for spoiling the movie for anyone. I spent a whole year waiting for the movie to come out and I don't want to ruin it! I won't tell you that Skinner and Mulder started going at it in the hospital. Oh shit! I didn't say that! I didn't mean. . .


Scully looked up out of the corner of her eye. There it was . . . Mulder's big proof hovering off the Antarctic skyline. She turned back to see his ecstatic face. "I didn't see it."

He let out a combination of a laugh and a sigh as his final resistance to the cold gave way. She watched as he lay down and let his eyes slip shut.

"Mulder?" Scully pulled herself to a sitting position and reached for Mulder. His frozen face in her lap was little comfort. She bent down slightly and laid her head against her partners. She almost could not hold back her tears any longer.

They faced abduction, burned offices, shutdowns, but they were about to end everything in the frozen wastelands of Antarctica. And she had thought if fitting to be stranded in Nowhere, Texas. At least, they would die together. Him in her arms. She slowing passing into oblivion with the sound of Mulder's heartbeat softening slowing in rhythm with hers and. . . something else. . . something churning in the distance. Scully turned her head catching the wavy image of a vehicle coming towards them.

She wanted to do a dance for joy, but her legs, even without Mulder on top of them, were weak. She watched and smiled as the snowmobile came closer. A man in full parka dress came towards them amazement and joy written on his face. "I didn't know what to expect out here. I felt the cave-in at my station, but I didn't expect anyone alive." The man spouted out as he helped Scully by removing the weigh of Mulder from her lap. She fought her pain and walked the few steps to the vehicle before collapsing.

The man currently residing in the Antarctica Seismology Project helped Scully move a waking Mulder into the heated building. Mulder shivered as he was taken to a bedroom sparely furnished above a bed, a dresser and a chair. He took the few final steps to the bed and sat down on the edge. Scully thanked the man that had helped them.

"Well, I needed some excitement out here. Kinda fortunate I came alone this trip, huh? Chris couldn't make it this time."

"Thank you very much, Mr. . ."

"Oh, just call me Rob." With that, Rob shut the door and left Mulder and Scully alone.

"Are you ok, Mulder? You don't seem to be showing signs of frostbite." Scully regretted saying that as she felt burns begin to sting on her cheeks. Mulder turned and saw her reach for her face. His hand shot up with amazing speed and caught her wrist before it made contact.

"Don't t. . .touch. Y. . .you'll only m. . . make it worst."

Scully looked up and saw the concern on his face. Not exactly panic, but close. She smiled past her chapped lips.

"I had you big time." She shook out her wet locks as she thought of the place they barely escaped alive. The thought of looking up from near death to see Mulder's face. No less the look of panic he established in Dallas.

Mulder smiled too. "Well, Scully, if you wanted to lock lips, we didn't have to come all the way out here to do it."

"Our first contact mouth-to-mouth and it had to be so you could resuscitate me." Scully looked down as she began to unzip the parka. She stopped as she realized she was nude underneath. Only seconds later had she realized Mulder had now seen her naked, at least from the waist up.

"Do you want to borrow my shirt?" Scully looked up at Mulder, who was already removing the lining of the parka from his thawing body. She watched as he pulled off the t-shirt he wore to expose the henley below. Feeling slightly self-conscience, she slowly unzipped the rest of the parka, Taking one last glance, she saw Mulder turn his head slightly. She quickly pulled on the shirt.

"Mulder, we need to get some sleep. You can take the bed . . ."

"Scully, you were the one in those tubes. You're still in shock . . ."

"So are you." Mulder pulled his feet up to the edge of the bed and began to untie his boots. "We can always share."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"Why? Are you gonna try something?"

"I was going to say that in light out our new . . . well, recent emotions, that perhaps . . ."

"Scully, I'm flattered," She swatted his shoulder causing him to flinch slightly. "But I only suggested that we sleep in the same bed so we can share body heat. As appealing as . . . making love to you turns me on, here and now is not my idea of romance . . . plus I don't think HE'D be 'up' to it."

Scully laughed lightly. He was so cocky . . . but she couldn't have him any other way. She crawled up to the head of the bed and moved her socked feet under the covers. Mulder did the same, stopping a moment to figure out what he was going to do. His body barely touched hers, but he was slightly leaning over her, like back on that . . . that ship.

"Could you do me a favor, Mulder?"

"Course, Scully."

"Would you kiss me? Like you were about to in the hallway?"

Mulder didn't answer verbally. His hand reached up and brushed aside a russet lock of hair. Her eyes connected with his and they slipped shut at the same time as their lips touched. A soft, innocent touch that was anything but. His hand moved to her cheek and stroked away any signs she ever cried. Hers were entwined in his hair as she pulled him into the soul-bearing release. Tongues initiated the connection but so much more went into the kiss.

They pulled out of the hold when air became necessary. Mulder turned to lay flat on his back, pulling Scully's head to lay over his heart. She let out a soft sigh as she heard his heart beating proudly in her ear.

"Just sleep, Scully. We've got a future together." He stroked her hair as she drifted to sleep. "I can only hope."




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