Winners and Losers 

by Sara Lynn

Originally Posted December 7th, 1998


*DO NOT ARCHIVE WITHOUT PERMISSION* I like to know where my story goes :)

SUMMARY: What really happened in the month between Eddie’s non-kiss and the visit to the prison

SPOILER WARNING: Major: Small Potatoes Minor: Momento Mori, Never Again


CONTENT WARNING/CLASSIFICATION: S, MSR -- cause I can’t write anything else ;-)

DISCLAIMER: Fox Mulder & Dana Scully are creations of Chris*t* Carter (According to Creative Loafing) and owned by Twentieth Century Fox. They also own Eddie Van Blundht, but I’d like to think of him as pure Darin Morgan.


The weekend usually was a time to relax from the pressures of work. Unfortunately, relaxation was not a word familiar in either Fox Mulder or Dana Scully’s vocabulary. Here it was middle of a Saturday afternoon and they were engrossed in files. Dana had agreed to work on her weekend as long as her partner brought the pizza to her apartment. Fox agreed quickly. Below everything was his ulterior motive to spend some time with her. After the deal with Eddie Van Blundht, he had felt less than perfect in her eyes and tried to be with her more. Unfortunately for Mulder, the only way he knew how to be with her was by working.

Dana sat nervously reaching over her partner for a new file. After every that had transpired in the prior week, they had yet to make mention of the scene Mulder had busted in on. It scared her what he thought and the fact he hadn’t mentioned it yet . . .

"You want another beer?" Mulder asked, getting up from the sofa before she answered.

"Sure." Scully yawned. Her past week had kept her up late and she was still tired. Perhaps tomorrow she could oversleep.

Mulder handed her the bottle, taking a gulp from his own before sitting back down. Dana was engrossed in the file and he looked over her shoulder curious as to what it was she was reading. He was about to look away when the vee of Dana’s sweater caught his attention. It ended slightly below the line of her cleavage leaving a shadowy hint of what laid below. Fox licked his lips unconsciously. Was this what Eddie saw? Did she taunt him with a glimpse of something more and it was only impulse to kiss her?

Mulder pulled away, his throat dry and in need of liquid refreshment. He lifted the bottle to his lips. "Mulder, how long did it actually get?"

Mulder almost felt the ale reach his mouth, but instead it dribbled down his chin and pooled on his light gray shirt. Scully looked up at him and tried not to laugh. "What did you say?"

"You said here that the boy had grown twice his size overnight. Especially in the torso. How long did it get?"

"Something like three feet in twenty-four hours." Mulder plucked at the wet shirt, contemplating what to do. He reached down and pulled the shirt over his head. The static air felt good against his skin and allowed him to work freely. Better that a beer-soaked tee shirt . . . until Scully noticed.

"Mulder!" She turned from her seat and started to pace the floor. "Do you want me to toss that in the dryer?"

"Yeah, thanks." Mulder passed her the shirt and she took advantage of the opportunity to look him over. His lightly sprinkled chest marred only by a puckered brown scar on his left shoulder. She let out a tiny sigh and she took the material from his hands.

Dana stared straight ahead as she walked to the dryer. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god."

"Mulder, I’m going to change my shirt quickly. It’s getting warm in here." Fox barely heard her as he jotted down some things he had just remembered about the case. He couldn’t believe he had missed it before. Now all he had to do was recall the name of the last victim.

Fox thought and thought and finally concluded that only Scully would remember the victim’s name. He remembered she had gone into the bedroom. "Scully, I. ." He stopped as soon as she was in his vision. Dana had removed the sweater and stood facing the window in only her jeans. Her body was curved perfectly and the only marks were a sprinkling of freckles at the small on her back and the circular tattoo that dipped into her jeans before reappearing.

He couldn’t see her hands but knew where they were. The movement of her arms indicated she was kneading her breasts. Her head tossed back in a sigh telling him that she had some reaction to the touch. Mulder watched, like a voyeur, and couldn’t help his reaction. His gorgeous partner was topless and perfect. He wanted to touch her, to know that she was real and alive. His body pulsed with the loss of blood and he felt lightheaded.

He barely knew he had moved into the room until his face was inches from her. His lips came down on the freckles and Dana stiffened right away. She crossed her arms over her breasts and looked back at him. He looked up at her from his position looking like a little puppy guilty of wetting the carpet. Blue eyes clashed with green-gold and Dana sighed again. Mulder lifted himself off his knees and stood up straight. His height letting him tower over her.

"Dana. . ." He breathed out. Scully turned around, her arms still trying to cover her discreetly. His fingers locked under her jawbones and lifted her face. Not too unfamiliar Dana thought until Mulder’s lips lowered and met with hers. Soft, pliable skin against her lips and the sensation was nothing short of amazing. She could smell the beer and cheese on his breath. His nose rubbed against hers as he pushed his face to hers.

With a smack they separated, both changed by the experience. Dana looked down and away, her mind racing to remember anything so passionate in her past. It was just like she had hoped when Eddie was about to kiss her. Her lips formed the word ‘wow’ and she looked over at Mulder. Topless, like her, but not in the least bit shy. Her eyes glanced up to see him still looking at her.

"Is that how you imagined it, Scully? Our first kiss. . . Or were you imagining something like what you and Eddie had going on the couch." Mulder reached out and rubbed the skin on her arms.

"Not exactly. You?"

"I’ve always thought our first kiss would be late at night. We had worked a long day and I was showing you something on the light table and suddenly we were kissing." Mulder swallowed roughly before continuing. "That was incredible."

"Yea." Dana’s eyes grew heavy as Mulder seemed to be lowering his face to hers once more.

"Definitely unforgettable."

"Definitely." Dana closed the space between them and kissed him once more. It was more comfortable and less awkward than before. She decided to push forward and opened her mouth to him. Her arms abandoned her body to encircle his neck. Mulder tried to gasp as he felt her breasts push against him, but her kiss wouldn’t allow it.

Dana couldn’t believe herself. She had let go and barely remembered giving the go ahead to her body. Now she only knew what was going on in the present. Her mouth was joined with Mulder. She could feel his tongue overtake the small space of her mouth. Her breast pressed against his chest and he seemed to be pushing back with the same amount of pressure. His hands had found their way to his spot, the small of her back.

Breathless and stunned, Dana dropped her head to Mulder’s shoulder. Nothing could top that one she thought to herself. His head picked up and he held her like he had in the hospital. This was so comforting, just like before. . . but now there was an affirmation of love, not just of life. This was coming, Dana had known, but it came all too soon. She wasn’t ready.

"Dana. . . should we forget about the files for tonight?" Mulder’s hands began their journey up Dana’s back. She felt the shiver, but tried not to show it.

"Please." Dana looked up from her position, to meet Mulder’s eyes again. He pushed her back and looked at the body before him. Perky little breasts and at her age. Red nipples that stood out proudly. Mulder just wanted to attach his mouth to one of them and never let go. He lowered himself to his knees before her. Her flat stomach moved out with each breath and Mulder placed a kiss above her belly button. He looked back up as his hands went to her waistband.

"Dana, would you have let Eddie gone this far? Would you let him have this?"

"I thought he was you. I’ve always loved you, Fox. I would let you take me anywhere." He heard her breathing hitch and stood up. Her eyes were filled with tears and red crescents made their appearance under her lashes.

"Don’t cry." Mulder’s fingers wiped away the tears.

"I would have slept with him, Mulder. I wanted you and. . ." She broke down completely in his arms.

"I love you, Dana." He said with a whisper of a voice. He knew what she meant to say without the words being spoken. His body moved down and pulled her up in his arms. She let out a tinny laugh as they fell back on the bed, once more engaged in an airtight kiss.


Mulder walked tensely through the hallway, Scully’s tiny form next to his. She had insisted on coming along and Fox made no attempt to stop her. Eddie had called him in to speak about something. He assured Scully it would not take long and he entered the visitor’s area where Eddie sat waiting. Mulder asked about his stupid hat just to break the ice, then Eddie decided to cut out the niceties.

"Is Agent Scully here?" His eyes flashed with the saying of her name. Mulder hated that. The man had the audacity to almost take away his Scully and now he wanted to throw it in Mulder’s face. Fox shut his eyes not wanting to get caught hitting another prisoner because he lost his temper.

"What did you want to talk to me about, Eddie?" Mulder was losing his patience, but he wouldn’t let Eddie know it.

"I just think it’s funny. I was born a loser, but you’re one by choice."

"On what do you base that astute assessment?"

"Experience. You should live a little. Treat yourself. God knows I would, if I were you." He was referring to Scully. Too late, Mulder thought, I treat myself every night to Scully. His almost smile dropped when he realized he never would have treated himself if Eddie had never brought them to the crisis. He left the man and walked out to where Scully stood with the guard. She turned away not to let the guard see her smile. As the agents walked down the hall, Dana thought she should say something.

"I don’t imagine you need to be told this, Mulder, but you’re not a loser."

Mulder tried not to laugh at how flatly she had said it. "But I’m no Eddie Van Blundht either, am I?" She turned to him with a secret smile. No he wasn’t.




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