Artists' Studios*
Community Bulletin Board

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* this is not an official site...yet

Commercially-Zoned Artists' Live/Work Studios

The Residents

There are 82 residents in the Artists' Studios ranging from graphic designers and web builders to painters, musicians, architects and wellness practitioners. There are fashion designers, film producers, accountants, actors and carpenters. There are two commercial art galleries, a cafe and a custom furniture gallery. There are numerous dogs, cats, birds and one snake.

Design Concept

Architecture is considered successful when it satisfies three criteria. It must be aesthetically pleasing, structurally sound and functional. These features are combined in the Artists' Studios. It is a design that excites people visually and simultaneously provides them with a dynamic and marketable environment to live and work. This environment can best be described as a Creative Vertical Neighbourhood where residents have an opportunity to interact with one another.

built for speed by Gerald Green copyright 1997

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