Mimi's home page
Hi! My name is Mimi, also known as the AutoCAT. I got    that name because I used to go to work with my mom, Jessica,    when she worked at Autodesk as an    AutoCAD support specialist.     AutoCAD <-> AutoCAT -- get it?  Um.  Yeah.  Anyway...
In February 2000, after    10 terrific years at Autodesk, Jessica took on some new excitement    and challenges at MarketTools, to    become their Sr. Product Designer. While there, she had a great time designing zTelligence, learning new skills and making new friends.
In February 2001, Jessica decided to move to a more established  company and started working at Sybase as their Usability Architect.  So far, so good!  In addition to work, she's also been getting really in to Western style horseback riding, and otherwise making sure to have fun both in and outside of work.
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Photos of Family, Friends and Travel

Favorite Information Websites
VirtualTourist:    Read people's world travel stories, see their photos, send (free) postcards...    share some of your own travel experiences!  Very, very cool (and yes, free).
Fuckedcompany.com: Considered crucial daily reading by many software professionals (myself included).  Wondering what news items or rumors are circulating about a particular company?  Search on that company's name here:
Find a company:

Shopping Sites
Below are links to some    of the places Jessica tends to shop most (CD Now's making a fortune    off her). 
Her current favorite deal    is buying DVDs at the Columbia    House website using the special code noted below.  It's really a    great deal. Enjoy!
ArtistAlbum TitleSong TitleMovie TitleActor/Actress   
Free discounts at many online stores.
Great DVD deal: sign up using code D7G and get 7 DVDs for an average cost of $9.94.
Click here for details on this and other sign-up codes.
Buy your greeting cards online.
Amazon.  Know it.  Love it.

Fun places to browse
Quicksilver Messenger Service Mouse Studios
John Walker's home page The Exploratorium
Bonaire   Web cams   AfriCam
Download the SETI@home software here
Check my team's stats and join us!

Work related links 
Sybase,   Inc. Women In Technology International
MarketTools,   Inc. Zoomerang
Autodesk, Inc. zTelligence.com
AutoCAD Users Group International Usability Professional's Association

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Last updated: 20 January, 2002