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"Hug Them Now"

Alice Bateman

There's a little baby girl on my hip
And a young boy over there, just a slip
A small boy who will grow into a man
Better hug them now, while I can

In a short time they'll be pushing me away
Saying Mommy, we want to run and play
Our friends have all gone down to Johnnie's place
Come on, Sis, come on, let's have a race

At twelve they want to go live with their Dad
A fact that makes their mother very sad
You walked out the door just yesterday
I'm wondering if you'll be gone to stay

Their teenage years will be here in a flash
Then it's, Hey Mom, have you got some cash
And by the way can we take out the car
The party where we're going's pretty far

Our children grow so fast, we stay the same
Just trying hard to keep pace with the game
And one fine day when we are old and gray
We'll think about the way things are today

There's a little baby girl on my hip
And a young boy over there, just a slip
A small boy who will grow into a man
Better hug them now, while I can

This was first written when Michael and Krystal were babies.
The Friday before I had a Monday morning appointment at a studio
to record a demo of this {it's a song} to send to Anne Murray {a popular Canadian singer},
Krystal left to move in to her Dad's{the first time}.
She's already been back for a year, and now is at her Dad's again!
By the way, Anne Murray never responded to the song one way or another.
I finally rescinded the offer.


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Posted September 7, 1999