Welcome to my world

it's a nice place to visit but i wouldn't want to live there

So this is it.... can you feel the antici....pation in the air? i didn't think so. At any rate, here it is, for better or for worse (probably worse...)... my webpage (are you happy now, kelly?).

oh, yeah, and my name is lori (aka lore, dude (thanks babe- i can't believe i forgot!), beloved, lorigami, lorita bibbadle, peanut, trouble, dear [which does not sound nearly as cute when it's in the context of "yes, dear" just to patronize me], lorcifer, lord of the dance, loriega, bidel, beyonce shakira bidelito-lopez the fabulous, esq., b. lo [don't ask- joi's weird, and i help], biddle puleo, bitch, angel eyes, baby, and sunshine).
be excited.

this is really random.... but interesting nonetheless....

these damn friends pages are too hard to keep up, and besides, all my friends know who you are and no one else cares. so it's gone now.

Words of Wisdom

since everyone thought there was too much reading, i put all my quotes on a separate page. enjoy!

this is one of my favorite cheesy songs.... and for some reason a lot of people have applied it to me... guess it's 'cuz i'm so sunshine-y

Under the pretense of appearing at least mildly cultured, here's my suggested reading list (which is not by any means all-inclusive) but there's some really great stuff here.

Beloved -Toni Morrison
Bitch -Elizabeth Wurtzel
The Terrible Stories -Lucille Clifton (who, F.Y.I., is a professor at my former college- yeah SMC!)
The Color Purple -Alice Walker
The Woman Warrior -Maxine Hong Kingston
The Country Wife -William Wycherly (be forewarned- it's a restoration comedy)
Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes -Tony Kushner (i recommend Part I: Millenium Approaches)
The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
Jacob Have I Loved - Katherine Paterson (it's for younger people, but it's an amazing book)
Girl, Interrupted - Susanna Kaysen
The House on Mango Street - Sandra Cisneros
Housekeeping - Marilynne Robinson
anything by Barbara Kingsolver (although i'm partial to Animal Dreams and Prodigal Summer)

There will be more as i think of them and can find the time, i promise...

in the interest of continuing the list theme, here's one of my favorites, so cute and clever that it gets its own sad little page (shut up, i'm working on it!)

lori's FAVORITE top ten list

and for the kid in all of us...

Sifl & Olly, two of the world's coolest sock puppets- they're smart, sassy, intellectually stimulating, and crescent-fresh. they have great interviews and, of course, Chester. Sadly, they are no longer gracing the airwaves. we must mourn them. let us observe a moment of silence.

As you may or may not know, i'm an avid Simpsons fan, and, like many of you out there, i have a particular soft spot in my heart for little ralph wiggum. so here's a page just for ralph .

dream song- someone will figure it out

Thought for the day (or however long i leave it up here)...

all right, look, so far i have not received my present. that is ok. i have a new goal (see below). i'll take either of the other two as well, but, well, this one's even more beautiful in person, and he must be mine *LOL*

so cute....

speak of the devil...

with kenny and rolly

ok, so laura may have altered this just a little...

and then, of course, the newest love of my life....

god bless this director


soooooooooo pretty

also still acceptable....

mmmmm... bumpy...

how cute is this?!?

he doesn't look like a sicko, does he?

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my old guestbook kicked the bucket...damn geocities. so i made a new one. if you wanna view the old one (for whatever reason... i've learned not to question), click here otherwise, my new book is below. pretty please sign it?

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