The book of Pepe


Hand made paper, human hair, photograph, pine leafs, glass, indian fabric, wood box, chinese paper.

The book of Pepe is the first piece out of a series of books with human hair.

This book is a biographical piece, a kind of posthumus tribute, made out of hand made paper with human hair, the hair belonged of Pepe Tijerina Garza, a very dear friend of mine, who passed away in the year 2000.

The paper was made of Amate tree, which is a very traditional mexican fibre to make paper. The book has 36 pages, one page for year of life of Pepe.

The box has attached a piece of glass made by Pepe Tijerina, it was a present he gave me once I was in his glass workshop.

The human hair acquires several readings: first, but direct and evident would be its erotic quality.

The hair founds continents within the same body. It is zone of refuge, shelter, pleasure.

Beside has other implications such as to be a spice of despoliation or prolongation of the body.

Nevertheless, the hair has much more slow process of degradation that the rest of the body, in this way I relate it to the idea of the time passed in existence of one to be like something own and other people's.

The hair as prolongation of the thought.
The hair has essence and identity implications.