Candle in the Wind-By Elton John

Your site is a good quality site and I hope it fullfills all that you set out to acheive. No doubt that you will receive many awards for a site of the nature. I will visit back from time to time, to check the site still exists.

You have an done an outstanding job creating your web page. Again, Congratulations on a job well done.

Your writtings are wonderful. I've learned alot. You are doing a great service to anyone who visits your site and I wish you the very best

This award signifies that your site contains quality content and has a skillfull design

Your site gives back to the internet community,provides useful content,is informative,and Easy to Navigate,overall,your site is a Bright Spot on the Web. Thank you for providing such an outstanding web site.

Congrats! We don't give this Award out to just everybody!

As the father of a bipolar daughter, I found your web site very interesting and informative. It is a great service to the internet community, Thank You for presenting it.

Your site is well designed and an interesting addition to the world wide web.

I was impressed by your sites outstanding content. I enjoyed my visit to your site and am sure many others will as well.

The "Yellow Brick Road" web site has been chosen to receive the Award nets "Fren Award." This is in recognition of the hard work you've spent developing your website. Though this award can't make up for the frustration that often accompanies web site developement, we hope you will except the small token, as reward, for a job well done.

Your site is easy to use, friendly and graphically pleasing! Overall we believe it belongs in our list of award nominess winners. You site only enhances the originality of our internet community. I hope this encourages you to keep up the great work!.

The Bright Blades Award!
The Bright
Blades Award
For having a sharp page!

We have selected your website to win our prestigious award. This award is only given to websites which excel in all aspects of web design and is credited by the Internets largests publishing companies Yahoo, Zdnet, and CNet. So in winning this award you have successfully mastered every aspect of website construction.

Congratulations! Your website has been reviewed and chosen to win "Webs Favorite" Award.

Yes. we looked at your website and it is wonderfully done!! I would be more than happy to give you the survivorship award. Thank you and congratulations on being a surviver and not just a victim.

Please accept the attached award for speaking out on your illness. We are strong, courageous people when we can come forward without fear of redicule or criticism. You are one more person to help educate the world on Bipolar Disorder! Much Love and God Bless You......Lacy!

Attached to this e-mail is the award graphic for the supportive souls award for providing caring and education on the interneet-your site does just that!:) Keep up the wonderful work. Jennifer