Welcome to my
Life Lived Through Writing...
Thats me, Christina, most people call me Tina. Now you have a face and name to go with all the mixed up stuff to come. Newly updated with pictures and all :) As always this page will be used mainly for poetry and my favorite book passages. I have also added another link that will show more pictures of my family. Feel free to roam around and enjoy. Remember I do remodel once in a while so check back. "IN MY OLD SUITE AT FARTHINGGALE MANOR, Logan and I moved beside one another. His kisses and caresses pulled me down into a swa of tenderness, and the light of his love chased away all the shadows of my dark forbidden love. This was how it would be now, Logan and Heaven, Logan touching me, Logan kissing me, Logan making love to me with such tenderness. Not the wild forbidden passion I had known with Troy, not the sort of all-consuming love that made the world disappear and left you clinging only to love like a life raft in a turbulant sea, but safe, gentle, lapping waves of love that were comfortable, soothing like a warm pond in summer, like my life with Logan was meant to be." Fallen Hearts, V.C. Andrews Remember the movie "Fire Starter" when the little girl was upset or troubled she used fire has her weapon. Well the Flames seem to represent a lot about this next passage. -Untitled-

Anger builds inside of me,
From a spark, it ignites
into a flame,
It grows and grows only to
escape from me,
Am I to blame?

Irate am I, full of madness,
You laugh at me with joy,
But, soon you willl be lifeless,
Do not bother me, nor with
my emotions toy.

My feelings are not a joke
I clench my teeth and fist
in order to resist...
And, still you continue to play;
and at me fun you poke.

Madness, craziness, anger
Which is what?
To me, I have turned into
a stranger,
To the world my eyes have shut.
"Vindicated Love"
As the days roll on thoughts of you
fill my scattered
When the daylight falls to darkness,
my heart cries out for you my
Someone with your gentle caress
and soft spoken will is hard to
Never shall I erase you from my
dreams, you will from me never
your trust in me carries a sacred
You have taken me in you strong arms
and given me a gentle
I shall never leave you, so please do
not from me
From me, my beating heart and longing
soul you have
I lightly place a tender kiss upon
your rose petal
Slowly floating to my arms you
We shall stay together for months
days and
To us, the Lord shall not bring any
To you, my love has long been
For it is you I have always
Thats Jasmyn, my bestfriend's little girl. She's three and quite a handful.
From all the pictures I have of her, you would think I was blood related.
valign=top>This is one of my three sisters, Jennifer age 18. They are all younger than I am. She and Share the same father, different moms. The picture is from last year, part of the senior pictures. Beautiful isn't she? In College, studying computer engineering (something like that cant quite remember) I am very proud of her. To see more just point and click to go to next page. Like books, love buying books with no hassles?
Click on the book and visit Amazon.com
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