These are the unwise and possibly incriminating things you rabble have said about my page. Well, YOU'RE ALL OUTTA THE DAMN WILL!!!!! (joking) Thanx for posting

Melanie the Great - 12/04/00 10:40:02
Favourite book: god, you expect me to pick just 1?! ... umm ... The Great Gatsby is up there .... or anything Shakesperean
Favourite type of Super Noodles: no comment
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: i like a man in boxers ;-)
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: s'allright
Can you lend me a fiver?: riiiiiiiiiiiiiight
What is going on?: good question ...

Nice site you have here, Rem ... might wanna re-think the blue text on black background, tis a bit difficult to read :-) What? no link to the BFF bbs? (heh heh heh) Keep up the good work and stuff.

Amy aka EatMe - 11/05/00 11:53:30
Favourite book: American Psycho, It, and Horton Hears a Who
Favourite type of Super Noodles: eh?
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: For guys or for me?
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Nasty ass shit
Can you lend me a fiver?: It's Canadian...
What is going on?: Not a whole hell of a lot.

Hey baby! Cool page you got. Am getting ready to read some of your work. Am waiting for you to IM me.... Hee hee.Later baby. I rule! ...remembet that, kay? Haahahaaa

Daniel Sauvé - 10/04/00 23:38:30
Favourite book: Beyond The Pale
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Good question
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Definitively briefs...
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Gives me acid reflux !
Can you lend me a fiver?: Nope !
What is going on?: I am sliding into my own parallel universe called Albion

Great site. Keep up the good work ! Your collaboration with Jotar is simply marvelous ! Long live Assasin ! ;-) Daniel Sauvé Quebec, Canada

Joanna - 08/14/00 21:09:34
Favourite book: IT
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: bikini
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: nice
Can you lend me a fiver?: do you deserve it?
What is going on?: You are fascinating me.

Remiel, I'm enthralled. What more can I say?

asmar - 03/23/00 00:35:30
Favourite book: On The Road
What is going on?: Marving Gaye rules yer ass

I signed back in October, but umm, I figured id bring it to your attention that you gotta sign my guestbook now. Karma, dude. later, -andy(you got nice site, yeah)

Vesna - 01/30/00 09:44:28
Favourite book: Little Prince
Favourite type of Super Noodles: what do you suggest?
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: boxers?!
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: too bitter for my taste
Can you lend me a fiver?: if i had one, i would...
What is going on?: nothing, this bore is a scary thing!

IAN! I finally got to check your homepage. I liked it in its weird way... quite a boiling imagination you have there!!! sometimes it's just good to know that there are some unique people decorating the streets of this world... i wanted to write you a mail but i'm not sure whether you would reply or not... so i rather just signed your damn guest book... be well! >>>VESNA

Kara - 01/30/00 00:38:23
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: boxers
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: none
Can you lend me a fiver?: sure
What is going on?: new page

hi. signing because i care and because you are talented :) mwa you know how i feel others don't need to know

One Ugly Bastard - 11/24/99 22:22:13
Favourite book: crime and punishment
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Any noodles.
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Going Commando! er no, boxers i'm afraid.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Nice.
Can you lend me a fiver?: Nope sorry, at least not from this position
What is going on?: Oh... something nice, a girl in fact...:o)

Hi Milkman! I was just passing by, surfing around the URL's of them primus bullboard-bastards. I have no site of my own (too damn lazy), but I enjoyed your (even the poetry, in fact I really liked some of it). I hope you'll make that primusfan-picture-site discussed, well, maybe even I may get my legs working and scan some ugly picture of myself.. Well, this is getting to damn long now, see you at the BB.

Jish. Also, Josh. - 11/23/99 11:52:11
Favourite book: Survivor
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Plain
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Plain
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Nice.
Can you lend me a fiver?: Yes.
What is going on?: Not a damn thing

This will never ever work for me. Dammit!!!

sandie_1308 - 11/18/99 00:47:50
Favourite book: Haven't found one yet.
Favourite type of Super Noodles: YuK!
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Uumm!.....
Can you lend me a fiver?: Yeah, I'll lend you five if you give me ten.
What is going on?: Can't tell yet, ask me again when I'm sober.

Nice page, nicely set up and everything. Nice photos. I enjoyed the visit. Will come back again to read the bla-bla-bla's later. Sandie :o)

Kat*~ - 11/10/99 02:18:17
Favourite book: umm..ummmm...damn. memnoch the devil?
Favourite type of Super Noodles: what're those?
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: bikini briefs right now...**looks** yep.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: umm nice when you have a bladder infection.
Can you lend me a fiver?: ah dun't hev enny munnee
What is going on?: the world is crumbling.

i am NOT eville. i am nice. though i may be casper the friendly ghost on smack, i do not nail penises to boards. thank you. **bows** (just tell me when you need HTML help...) the sandman comes on tip-toe and views each tiny head/ to find perchance a truant who had not gone to bed/ and when he finds that little one/ he strews their eyes with sand....

Martin - 10/29/99 17:01:35
Favourite book: Mr. Lazy by Roger Hargreaves
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Batchelors (no messin'!)
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: briefs
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Definitely Very Poncy
Can you lend me a fiver?: Probably
What is going on?: time?

<0 (negative) comments: -Can't read blue on black/orange -Too many links to miles away -Too slow to load -Most of it just generally sucked >0 comments: -The insane life story was good -The pachyderm link was good -It wasted plenty of time

Bob Waite - 10/28/99 15:57:22
What is going on?: I think I going mad

I'm not sure if I have already sent something through? I clicked the noo! button so I'm now going to click the I wish button. Anyway, mail me! Bob xxx

nikki - 10/26/99 00:16:42
Favourite book: right now? probly prozac nation. but it's bound to change to 1984 next month...
Favourite type of Super Noodles: super noodles? um... the blue kind.
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: i don't know WHAT you're talking about
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: nope. not good.
Can you lend me a fiver?: probably not.
What is going on?: hmmm. not much.

i'm drowning save me aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i should warn you i go to sleep you won't know when i go to sleep cause i'm not tired not tired i'm not tired not tired i'm not tired not tired

JEN!! - 10/19/99 14:43:58
Favourite book: 'Through A Glass, Darkly '- Jostein Gaarder
Favourite type of Super Noodles: none of the above - Pasta 'N' Sauce is where it's at these days!
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: like I said - depends
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: well, it's red so it can't be that bad
Can you lend me a fiver?: depends what I get in return
What is going on?: equilibria

Well, I thought I'd better up date my entry seeing as I've seen you in the flesh as it were. All I can say to anyone who hasn't is 'ner ner ner-ner ner!!!!'

phil - 10/12/99 12:52:00
Favourite book: at the moment, betty blue, by philippe djian
Favourite type of Super Noodles: erm?
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: commando all the way.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: nice 'n' poncy.
Can you lend me a fiver?: absolutely.
What is going on?: a revolution.

aberdeen football club are the worst top flight team in europe.

asmar - 10/10/99 14:55:39
Favourite book: No One Here Gets Out Alive
Favourite type of Super Noodles: my tshirt is funny
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: wouldnt you like to know
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: made me throw up at the supermarket free sample stand when i was 3
Can you lend me a fiver?: no, beeyotch
What is going on?: i say hey-yay-yeah-ah


christine the sprite - 10/09/99 22:55:24
Favourite book: anything by Mercedes Lackey, like Black Gryphon
Favourite type of Super Noodles: chicken!
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: freedom or constriction? guess!
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: poncy cos i like that word. poncy! hee hee hee
Can you lend me a fiver?: of course, you silly man
What is going on?: the sparkle faeries are plotting while the crowgirls giggle :)

ian u beautiful bastard, i luv your page! hurray for you and your wunderous works of word-iness :) u r too clever for your own good and that's the way it should be! i'll be back here later, twinkly :D cheers!

Ian - 09/08/99 10:53:49

jesus, I'm replying to my own guestbook. Simon, the suicide thing was a figure of speech, what I was trying to say was the only thing I will not tolerate is intolerance. Apologies for any confusion caused.

Simon - 09/07/99 03:15:30
Favourite book: Rivethead
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Surprisingly, commando is an easy habit to fall in to
What is going on?: the damned minute hand will always keep spinning, ready or not.

"If you have any severe or lasting grudges against any group of people because of their racial origin, religion, sexuality, skin colour or political opinions, then please kindly place a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger, but not before exiting my pag . It is the deeply held belief of the owner of this page that all people are equal, and that what lessens one member or group of the human race lessens us all." this is probably just my teenage ultra-sensitive hypocracy detectors going off with a false alarm, but with a shpeil like that, do you see anything wrong with wishing suicide upon someone for thinking differently than you, prejudice or what not?

Joshua (Fairietard) - 08/27/99 11:15:53
Favourite book: Currently: Foucault's Pendulum
Favourite type of Super Noodles: The spicey ones....
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Whichever one Bjork prefers.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Poncy. Definitely.
Can you lend me a fiver?: My liver?!? Sorry, no....
What is going on?: I can't sleep.

Your site is as amazing as ever. But then, you knew that, didn't you? Anyway... I think I'll post Aja's link below just because it rocks my world. I hope this works, otherwise I'll look pretty sheepish. Baah.

Allison - 08/27/99 00:54:44
Favourite book: The peacock spring
Favourite type of Super Noodles: velveeta???
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: day of the week panties
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: nice
Can you lend me a fiver?: ummm no but i've got 2 bucks you can bum
What is going on?: absolutly nothing

hey ian i was just checkin out ure site and saw that i was not on the poly list :( i'm hurt. actually i'm not but i would really like to be on it if that is cool with you talk to ya later -Ally (katyyy)

Kelly - 08/23/99 23:43:32
Favourite book: the book of satan
Favourite type of Super Noodles: pork
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: what ever - usually commando
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: helps clean your urinary track
Can you lend me a fiver?: a liver? no, only one and it's used.
What is going on?: life sucks

how many times can you sign someones guestbook before it's concidered rude? fuck me. i suck.

hell if i know - 08/22/99 22:08:13
Favourite book: uhhhhh.....
Favourite type of Super Noodles: can't decide
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: nope
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: cranberry juice makes me piss alot
Can you lend me a fiver?: can you buy me a hooker?
What is going on?: hell if i know

sometimes i turn into a black girl. there's nothing wrong with being a black girl, but since i'm a white male, it can be a bit of a pain in the ass at times. especially, when i have to go out and explain to people why i'm suddenly a black girl.

Red Assed Babboon - 08/22/99 18:29:20
Favourite book: umm.....whichever one has the most pictures
Favourite type of Super Noodles: supernoodles eh.? ill haveta get back to you on that one
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: born free as the wind blows..and somethin
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: A bit tangy..but it is red stuningly similar to my ass
Can you lend me a fiver?: a fiver? i dunno exactly what a fiver is....
What is going on?: Well...currently the earth is rotating on its axes..

Um..why hello. Im very much frightened at what the inside of my head looks like. ITs all just a lil too scary for me.. Im just gonna havta say that Primus Sucks. and leave it at that. Later Red

Spork This - 07/12/99 20:24:12
Favourite book: Guardians of the Flame
Favourite type of Super Noodles: undecided
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Mangos
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Blech.
Can you lend me a fiver?: Lend me a liver?
What is going on?: Going on what?

Mmmm. Bullboarders still exist. Hner. Stop by my site sometime and sign my butt. Jer.

amy - 07/12/99 04:58:33
Favourite book: i am no longer answering this question!
Favourite type of Super Noodles: erm....
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: boxers
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: very nice
Can you lend me a fiver?: if i could get it to you, sure.
What is going on?: not much.

oh how nice a play. i have only read a bit of it because it is the middle of the night and my eyes are hurting like crazy. what i have read of it is quite good though. think i'll print this out and read it sometime tomorrow. now stop putting good stuff on yer site ian, your making me feel like i have to put something good up on mine!

Claire Edgar - 07/11/99 21:48:22
Favourite book: Sophie's World (yes, I finally read it Rennifer!)
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Too much - please don't mention them!
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Boxers
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Alright in desperation!
Can you lend me a fiver?: Any time Rennifer - I'll lend you a tenner if you want sweetie!
What is going on?: You should know better than to start me on that subject - wouldn't like to bore any of your website visitors!!!

Very pretty website Rennifer, not many visitors I recognise though! Hope you miss Rochdale 'cos it misses you! Love you loads with hugs and kisses xxx. Still got my caterpillar house and can't wait for a trip to Harvey Nic's and a pizza with you!!

Claire - 07/08/99 11:56:25
My Email:Now that would be telling
Favourite book: Difficult question - at the moment Captain Corellis Mandolin
Favourite type of Super Noodles: fake, cheap cicken ones
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Poncy


Rennie (Renée) - 07/06/99 12:08:25
Favourite book: The Famished Road by Ben Orki
Favourite type of Super Noodles: "super"? Well, fav. noodes are manacotti...
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: I wear panties fyi...
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Poncy....too bitter for me.
Can you lend me a fiver?: In Quarters...but yes.
What is going on?: Lots of alarms for some reason..Hopefully I'm not suppose to do anything.

I couldn't remeber if I signed this before or not. Oh well....nice page btw.

angelic i? - 07/01/99 13:34:16
Favourite book: the one i'll write one day...maybe...
Favourite type of Super Noodles: i don't think i ever saw one of those super noodles thing around here, do i miss something?
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: boxers...
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: nice..just 'cos i dunno what poncy means..*stupid belgian*
Can you lend me a fiver?: well right now i can't, only if you want dollars i can help hehe
What is going on?: if only i had a clue about that, ian...

he built the windows high and said it would last forever he'd stare all night at the empty sky to keep his thoughts together to see the angel once again...

polly - 05/29/99 20:43:33
Favourite book: bagpuss
Favourite type of Super Noodles: chicken
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: briefs
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: poncy and nice :)
Can you lend me a fiver?: yes, but i'm not going to....
What is going on?: how should i know?

i love ian rennie :) hey babe xx

polly - 05/29/99 20:42:06
Favourite book: bagpuss
Favourite type of Super Noodles: chicken
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: briefs
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: poncy and nice :)
Can you lend me a fiver?: yes, but i'm not going to....
What is going on?: how should i know?

i love ian rennie :) hey babe xx

Poutchie - 05/24/99 21:12:22
Favourite book: The Peacock Spring by Rumer Godden
Favourite type of Super Noodles: ginger and spice (Asian ramen....)
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: white or black Elitas, Clavin Klein on rainy days
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: nice
Can you lend me a fiver?: Can you give me a kitty?
What is going on?: Terry came for the weekend, he just left a while ago, he helped me with housework, I'm watching the Simpsons while surfing the net and I'm a bit hungry, if I could have any choice of meal I could, I would go for Shepard's pie, I on't know why, I just feel like it...

Don't play with monkeys, cute little monkeys, cause they're carnivorous, they'll eat you for lunch.

Aja - 05/24/99 04:04:55
Favourite book: everybody poops
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Ian. is that a choice? Ian noodles? :)
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: boxers. no contest.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: actually i'd say rancid even if i was trying not to hurt it's feelings.
Can you lend me a fiver?: oh please, you know i'm broke as a joke. but it's for an excellent reason.
What is going on?: currently? this kitten is eating the cord to the keyboard, and i'm sitting here amazed at how much i love you.

:) anything i could say, i've already said. i adore you. (you're page is cute too honey. just not so cute as you.) ~Å~

melbel [le] - 05/17/99 19:34:25
Favourite book: erm...the celestine prophecy by james redfileld
Favourite type of Super Noodles: erm...i dunno if we have the same noodles but any chicken noodles will do
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: boxers
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: nice
Can you lend me a fiver?: erm...yes i think i can cos you're reliable
What is going on?: not much apparently

keep up the good work ian, and take care...i think that's about all i have to say

rudiger72 - 05/17/99 17:47:06
Favourite book: the faraway tree
Favourite type of Super Noodles: they suck
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: thong
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: poncy
Can you lend me a fiver?: i was going to ask the same thing
What is going on?: a lovely pair of crushed velvet flares

you have the most amazingly gorgeous women on you r page paerticular favoutite of mine is mara who's name is the buddhist term for temptation rather apt i feel love n ooh it was all rather nice really kisses rudiger

door - 05/14/99 22:34:48
Favourite book: hmm either 1984 or neverwhere
Favourite type of Super Noodles: super noodles?
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: i dont like wearing underwear.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: gross.
Can you lend me a fiver?: nope that i can not
What is going on?: hell if i know!

hello. i got here by talking to you in the radiohead chatroom. this page is lovely and it entertained me.

amy - 05/10/99 21:52:30

well i hope it works! now i'm going back to poly.

unnamed.being - 05/07/99 23:17:12
Favourite book: the perfume
Favourite type of Super Noodles: U.F.O.
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: boxers
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: nice
Can you lend me a fiver?: no, no, no and NO ;)
What is going on?: nothing but society disintegration

lalala nice page pouët pouët

mercy - 05/02/99 20:00:15
Favourite book: Atlas Shrugged (of Course!)
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: whatever's good for you, babe
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: icky
Can you lend me a fiver?: NO
What is going on?: i'm chillin'

As Sammy Davis used to say, you are one cool cat.

same as below - 04/30/99 21:18:43
Favourite book: Romans
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Not sure what a super noodle is, but if it's just alrge noodle i'd have to go with extra large shell of manacotti
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: boxers definitely
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: nice I guess
Can you lend me a fiver?: Is that pounds or dollars, not sure of the difference, but sure if it's that important
What is going on?: Nothing much otherwise I would'nt be here

You are accused of thought crime. And so am I.

God isn't it. - 04/28/99 18:28:19
Favourite book: everyones (apparently)
Favourite type of Super Noodles: No.
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: No.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: cack in a carton
Can you lend me a fiver?: if your lend me a tenner
What is going on?: do I?


Anja - 04/22/99 23:45:17
Favourite book: Lolita by Nabokov and Crime And Punishment by Dostojevskij
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Boy-flavoured
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: All of the above or subject didn't understand question
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Not to mention you drive your cars on the wrong side of the road...
Can you lend me a fiver?: Yeah
What is going on?: Metaphysically, physically or mentally?

*Scratches head* There's something about signing guestbooks that belong to people you don't know and who didn't ask you to...It sorta feels like you've all of a sudden decided to do the internet equivalent of the Jehova's Witnesses thing... You know.. 'Ding-dong! Oh good fternoooon, sir, I was wondering if you had read this brochure and if you are aware that you'll perish in a painful hell of flames, you disgusting sinner, unless of course you let us into your house and let us talk a hole in your head...At least let us gi e you this issue of The Watchtower...Look at the beautiful pictures' Ah well, sometimes you just have to. Will Do Anything For Attention. Now applaud, will you, and let me get off this damn stage!

allison (kat) - 04/22/99 23:24:00
Favourite book: the peacock spring by. rumer godden
Favourite type of Super Noodles: super noodles
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: cotton day of the week underwear
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: nice
Can you lend me a fiver?: i'm flat broke
What is going on?: not much


allison (kat) - 04/22/99 23:06:21
Favourite book: the peacock spring by. rumer godden
Favourite type of Super Noodles: super noodles
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: cotton day of the week underwear
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: nice
Can you lend me a fiver?: i'm flat broke
What is going on?: not much


jewels - 04/19/99 20:52:47
Favourite book: horse whisper I suppose
Favourite type of Super Noodles: mild curry flavour
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: boxers
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: poncy
Can you lend me a fiver?: I'm always broke
What is going on?: nothin


Spork This! - 04/16/99 02:50:35
Favourite book: Guardians of the Flame - Joel Rosenberg
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Nooper Soodles
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Boxers
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Tart, yet regular.
Can you lend me a fiver?: Fever yes, otherwise I'm broke.
What is going on?: Need.. more... info...

Looks like a website, I can't seem to poke my fingers through the glass so I can't tell you how it feels.

Jamie - 04/11/99 18:20:55
Favourite book: Don't read, don't have one
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Have none
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: BOxer....
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: nice
Can you lend me a fiver?: here
What is going on?: In my head, I have no brain activity

Very nice page Ian, Now go sign my guest book dammit....hehe Jamie(spygirl)

Josh (Fairietard) - 03/30/99 23:53:28
Favourite book: Tom Robbins, Sylvia Plath, Sandra Cisneros, etc. etc.
Favourite type of Super Noodles: O.K Ian - there needs to be an addition to your webpage that explains what Super Noodles are!! I'm serious!! You'll solve a lot of problems in the world if you do.
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Right now I am wearing silk boxers..... Ooooh, silky!!!
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: I don't kno, but Skeet Dinkle annoys the hell out of me, personally.
Can you lend me a fiver?: Sure - and some fiber and my liver as well. Yeah, that was original.
What is going on?: Right now I am typing the words "right now I am typing the words" into my keyboard.

Wow - everytime I sign one of these I feel like I'm signing a high school yearbook.... Trying to out original everyone else involved. Sad that I have nothing original to say - other than the fact that you, Ian, kick some serious ass and I will gladly fly across the sea to back you up in a quarrel!!! That's all - good night and good news.

Kelly - 03/29/99 18:51:07
Favourite book: anything porn
Favourite type of Super Noodles: pork
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: commando
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: what the fuck does that mean?
Can you lend me a fiver?: no. but i'll share my weed
What is going on?: i need a girl

i love you. you suck.

crucifix kixx - 03/24/99 23:56:33
Favourite book: trainspotting/ long hard road ot of hell/ prozac nation/ mr tickle
Favourite type of Super Noodles: yukkky! they smell yukky!
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: grrrls pants (im a grrl)
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: yukky, pretends to be ribina AND FAILS!!!
Can you lend me a fiver?: only if you lend me it first (i have no money)
What is going on?: mmmmm beeer

FRIM FRUM!yhelio! im a wicklr bit tipsy!!! ive just been to see my mates band BRENTWOOD DRIVE!!! shite name top fellas! i want the world yo know that i hwave just snogged the face off a really really really really gorgeous guy called chris , i think thats what he said . he was luvvverly. im well pleased coz if just found out that the bastard who never called me is GAY! it ould explain why he didn't caal me. hmmmmmm im not very good wiv t=hem fings calld men. PANTS PANTS PANTS PANTS LUVVVERLY PANTS. hmmmmmmm

Geoff Lawson (Giraffe) - 03/19/99 16:26:45
Favourite book: No one here gets out alive
Favourite type of Super Noodles: oriental
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: all of the above
What is going on?: Death is everywhere

Nuttin' much. jus droppin bye.

angel - 03/17/99 19:52:02
Favourite book: possessing the secret of joy
Favourite type of Super Noodles: chicken
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: going commando!
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: poncy
Can you lend me a fiver?: anything for you ian!
What is going on?: who knows? what is the truth?but whatever it is it's damn funky!!

god i like this page ian dear!! it's as crazy as your emails and they have almost disturbed me before!! love and hugs... angel

Wilbert - 03/15/99 18:03:51
Favourite book: Too many for a lazy sod like me to bother typing
Favourite type of Super Noodles: cooked ones
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: A nice frilly lace number
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Nice, especially the ocean spray one i used to buy in the states
Can you lend me a fiver?: Not if you were the last person who lived in a tree in a world flooded with piss
What is going on?: Many many things, but not much in your life if you're sitting there at your computer looking at this gibberish

Ian, What can I say, a diamond amongst the coal, you know exactly what I mean. May success and acknowledgment come you way, and may you keep,the strength not to become one of them. Willy

ZenaWitch aka Natalie - 03/15/99 04:04:47
My Email:zena24@maxinet
Favourite book: Jitterbug Perfume
Favourite type of Super Noodles: the kind without yolks
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: I'm a female.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: What?
Can you lend me a fiver?: Only on wednesdays
What is going on?: my temperature, baby!

Hello, I'm eyeball1's sister.

jen - 03/14/99 22:05:17
Favourite book: god I dunno
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Italian Tomato without a doubt
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: hmm...depends
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: YUCK!
Can you lend me a fiver?: too broke
What is going on?: stuff I guess

Your site's good, isn't it? I mean, it's actually interesting and funny, isn't it? Rhetorical question - cool site Ian!!

Rasmus B. Petersen - 03/14/99 02:09:08
Favourite book: American Psycho... or Your Sacred Self by Wayne W. Dyer
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Super Amazon Noodles
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: In nature's uniform
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: blueberry-ish
Can you lend me a fiver?: Yes, if you can lend me ten
What is going on?: A clock goes on and on

Hi Ian. I'm the weird Danish guy who commented on your homepage in the Polyethylene chat on Sat 13 March. The one who Emily ate, remember? As I told you, I find your page very good indeed, and I share just about all of your ideas about life. I adore your humor, t o. Which means that you are not the only insane person in this world. Oh, by the way: Fear nothing. Evil does not exist. Thank you for reading. Bye. Rasmus B. Petersen (not that kind of Danish!) "Love is when someone you trust cuts a smile in your face"

Eostaria - 03/12/99 01:42:31
Favourite book: Exodus - Leon Uris
Favourite type of Super Noodles: what are those?
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: um ... on guys .. boxers
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: nice
Can you lend me a fiver?: ha .. as if i had that much money
What is going on?: my life is one big stress ball

hey ian ... just wanted to sign this and say i think you've done super job :-) *two thumbs up* .... ye

Andy - 03/11/99 01:28:22
Favourite book: THE Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and Back Again)
Favourite type of Super Noodles:
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: briefs are sexier.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: very nice.
Can you lend me a fiver?: ..can you lend me one?

Ian... Your site looks delicious! I'm a Polyethylene resident myself. Right now you and some others are in the room talking and this blasted computer will not let me in (yeah, yeah, the outcast, I know). I liked the photos of you and your friends.. just thought ou should know. -Andy P.S. live in pop

Josh (Fairietard) - 03/10/99 22:03:28
Favourite book: The Man Who Laughs or the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
Favourite type of Super Noodles: I prefer chow mein.
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Boxers, always.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: What ever happened to the Cranberries?
Can you lend me a fiver?: Sure thing good buddy. Ten-four!
What is going on?: All systems normal.

Now much to say, Ian. I like your page though, and wish I had one of my own. Sigh, can I have this one when you're done with it? Thanks.

Caroline Wise - 03/10/99 21:09:50
Favourite book: To Kill a Mockingbird
Favourite type of Super Noodles: What the heck are Super Noodles??
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Briefs!
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Ick!!
Can you lend me a fiver?: No - I'm broke!
What is going on?: Absolutely nothing.

Hey Ian! Guess what? Primus sucks! It's been fun getting to know you on that lovely Bull Board. What in the hell are Super Noodles? Is that a UK thing? Don't think we have those here in the states. Anyway...nice page!! :-) --Caroline

Kellie - 03/03/99 22:55:07
My URL:http://
Favourite book: errr
Favourite type of Super Noodles: ummm
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: haha
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: eeewww...fizzy godammit!
Can you lend me a fiver?: anytime.
What is going on?: not much egg.

hi ian.. u fruity egg. nice page..better than mine..lala.. ummm..dunno what to i'll say byebye *hugs* love kellie

Michelle - 03/03/99 22:20:21
Favourite book: Most V.C. Andrews books.
Favourite type of Super Noodles: huh??
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: commando!!!! briefs..
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: I HATE IT..
Can you lend me a fiver?: YEAH
What is going on?: NOthing, I am a senior in hs and I am going to graduate this May..then I am off to New Mexico for college..IT WOULD BE GREAT TO HEAR FROM YA'!


aLIFirov Alexey - 03/01/99 19:30:52
Favourite book: Catcher in the rye
Favourite type of Super Noodles: With crabs... hehe
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Boxers!!!!!
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Poncy!!!!! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Can you lend me a fiver?: Ofcoz, dear... Like blood fiver? Visit my page...
What is going on?: The air ripens with the odors of the dead and dying. It smells like...victory.

Black leather smoke coils up my nostrils tingling with death's surprise. Human remnants cling to my clothing like bloody briars as I continue to wade, hip deep in flesh, bone and viscera. Bad neighborhood coming up!

starlight(sorry) - 02/27/99 07:23:09
My Email:wish i knew
Favourite book: jeff noon-VuRt
Favourite type of Super Noodles: who cares anyway
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: wanderers
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Can you lend me a fiver?: let me think about
What is going on?: birds?

oops! i cant remember now! i just wanted to say sth important but i cant remember what. c u back in poly

starlihgt johnny - 02/26/99 17:29:16
My Email:chocolate cake?
Favourite book: weaveworld-c.barker
Favourite type of Super Noodles: girl next door -j.ketchumand it-s.king
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: sleepy
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: cooler than cool
Can you lend me a fiver?: never
What is going on?: bored,as usual

ever lost your car keys? not me. i dont have a car

Maf - 02/25/99 19:47:34
Favourite book: Escape from the Cubicle Police
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Raw
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: commando. saves on laundry
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: poncy as mobile phones
Can you lend me a fiver?: very possibly
What is going on?: chicken licken is going to tell the king that the sky is falling down. of course, it isn't and the chick is just being stupid. in fact, i'm quite content in the knowledge that Foxy Loxy is gonna eat her up, and she'll never make t to the king to tell him that the sky is falling.

Gas concrete? pah.

mel.issa - 02/23/99 22:46:23
Favourite book: the sun also rises
Favourite type of Super Noodles: sex
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: uh
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: YUM
Can you lend me a fiver?: ofcourse
What is going on?: im tired

i dont know if ive ever signed this before i dont think so but thanks 4 saying nice stuff about my in the poly ppl part. :) you are lovely yourself, ian. *kisses back at you* = mel.issa

Peter Dowswell - 02/22/99 16:36:57
Favourite book: Animal Farm
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Sweet and Sour
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Boxers
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: poncy
Can you lend me a fiver?: is the pope a jew?
What is going on?: haven`t a fookin` scoobie

cool page.

mo - 02/20/99 01:56:05
Favourite book: 'antmen carry away my thoughts as soon as i think them' by stephen appleby
Favourite type of Super Noodles: all o'them
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: boxers
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: dunno, but probably poncy
Can you lend me a fiver?: no
What is going on?: notalot

at last, it all makes sense. you're ian, of course...

mutha - 02/18/99 21:46:07
Favourite book: Autobiography of Elton John (my idol)
Favourite type of Super Noodles: parsley and golden retreiver
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: all three at once
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: sick, dude
Can you lend me a fiver?: if you come round and get it yourself
What is going on?: my hands are turning purple and the world is going to end every thursday from now on.

yeah, heavy. anyway, uh, stuff and things.

Camilla - 02/08/99 02:02:42
Favourite book: Diadem: Book of Nightmares

Guess who? Yes, this is Destiny from the chatroom.

James McCann - 02/01/99 14:09:50
Favourite book: It's a draw between Youth In Revolt and Mists of Avalon
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Little, yellow, different
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Silk boxers (oooh)
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Isn't cranberry juice for urinary track infections?
Can you lend me a fiver?: What do you need it for? I don't support comic book addictions
What is going on?: ain't nuthin' nuthin'

Hi, your friend Kelly Woessner sent me here. Pretty cres page. I'm likin' the Varo works.

penny/sarah - 01/27/99 23:16:23
Favourite book: stone lifting (a joke, btw)
Favourite type of Super Noodles: ECK
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: commando (of course)
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: depends on the condition of my kidneys.
Can you lend me a fiver?: what do i get?
What is going on?: time

when the hell are you going to add me to your web page?

wepweecawn - 01/09/99 19:12:44
Favourite book: i can't read
Favourite type of Super Noodles: uhh
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: uhh
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: berries give me hives. haha
Can you lend me a fiver?: what?
What is going on?: well.

nice page, ian. **hugs from the wepwee's**

Rose M. Diaz - 01/08/99 16:57:44
Favourite book: long hard road out of hell
What is going on?: nothing

Nice page, sorry it took me so long to come and see it. Anyway, it's really kewl. check ya l8er

MOJOPIN - 01/07/99 19:38:29
Favourite book: H.H.G.T.T.G...grolier's outdated encyclopedia.
Favourite type of Super Noodles: .basmati rice. no noddle. they've been known to decrease brain mass.
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: .must everything be measured in terms of under garments.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: prevents scurvy. i much like it in excess.
Can you lend me a fiver?: .i find paper money quite dramatic. have a coin.
What is going on?: . poor circulation has prevented my fingers from typing the correct response.sory ian.

perhaps the actual time has come when i might have to restrict my ramblage of werds to a small white box.just the previous moment a man with dettachable ears offered me a grief-stricken flavoured lolli-pop..and i amusingly accepted. so to as conclude any nonsense that have occured. i prefer the insane ian.and must retreat to the small space. where i fixate on purely filtered Rh molecules of oxygen, care to join?..breathing was meant to be experienced by two...i'm currently entranced by a piece played by Jaco Pastorious. and must. cl se my eyes.

TJ - 01/06/99 21:29:19

DAmn typos they never show up in my head.........poo.

TJ - 01/06/99 21:25:31
Favourite book: Beano
Favourite type of Super Noodles: There is nothing super about noodles
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: I used to hang round gyms and stell the boxers' briefs from the changing rooms as part of of mt training to be a commando; does that count
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Nahice
Can you lend me a fiver?: Will I get it back?
What is going on?: I'm not sure just think SMALL

A fine web page if I was of the type capable of jealousy I would be approximately this jealous (visual gag possibly the funniest thing you could ever see). I only called in to find out if you wanted to jam.

GucciPiggy (Dave) - 01/03/99 23:06:23
Favourite book: High Fidelity (nick Hornby)
Favourite type of Super Noodles: I prefer Pot Rice
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Boxers
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Poncy
Can you lend me a fiver?: erm.... if you'll accept a cheque that'll bounce
What is going on?: What's for dinner mother? Maggots on toast. Lock me in a cupboard and feed me to the devils.

Email me and we'll jam. Oops. Bit of a fuckup.

GucciPiggy (Dave) - 01/03/99 23:05:29
Favourite book: High Fidelity (nick Hornby)
Favourite type of Super Noodles: I prefer Pot Rice
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Boxers
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Poncy
Can you lend me a fiver?: erm.... if you'll accept that'll bounce
What is going on?: What's for dinner mother? Maggots on toast. Lock me in a cupboard and feed me to the devils.

Email me and we'll jam.

Zoe - 12/15/98 14:56:49
My Email:not telling!
Favourite book: The Apparatus -Kafta
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Tell me your joking!
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: I prefer a guy in boxers, personally I wear briefs.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Probably have to say poncy. Sorry for all you that drink it!
Can you lend me a fiver?: Do you take Switch?
What is going on?: I study history, how am I supposed to know?

Ian, thought what I had seen of the website so far was very impressive! I stumbled upon it by mistake, seeing as I leant on the computer whilst talking and the web site appeared from out of my Working Mother e mail. A somewhat disturbing occurance!

Alex Cross - 12/01/98 15:47:27
Favourite book: The Crow Road, Lord of th Rings, The Light Fantastic....etc......
Favourite type of Super Noodles: I think I'm going to throw up.
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Boxers. Only commando on wash day.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Nice but the taste dissappears as soon as you swallow. I think its something to do with parallel dimensions
Can you lend me a fiver?: For why, young sir?
What is going on?: Why are you asking me? I'm a musician.

Dear Ian, I have finally succeded in getting to your website without the computer exploding! Yay! It looks pretty cool and I'm now going to have a wander round it so I'll see you later. Bye!

The pacifist formerly known as Del Sarto's Faultless Painter - 11/07/98 18:45:26
Favourite book: The rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám
Favourite type of Super Noodles: The one's with X-ray vision and Freeze-breath
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: The finest of silk boxers for most everyday usage. However, for important dates and special occasions, i usually dip in to my satin collection
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Before or after the fermentation process?
Can you lend me a fiver?: Why on earth would anyone from the UK want an american five dollar bill, unless of course he or she was an admirer of Abraham Lincoln
What is going on?: ''The Lady Cries Murder," my most recent theatrical endeavour opens this Thursday. My vocal Jazz Debut is this Wednesday. I'm arranging a meeting between a local chapter of a national socalist organization for sometime after th show is over. Tonight I'm going to see The Who's Tommy. This has been my paltry American attempt to boast, though I'm not sure why, since it really doesn't matter one way or another.

Ian Rennie. You bear a striking resemblance to an associate of mine, Brendan, except i don't believe that he is nearly as tall. Your sane side was a truly heart-warming story of a non-conformist finding acceptance after taking the blows dealt to him by ess "open minded" boys and girls. I suppose the need to belong coarses so strongly through the veins of some citizens that they will nag and harp on anyone who would dare think that anyone could Possibly prefer a lifestyle different from their own...just to ensure their sense of 'belonging', to make known that "i am They and they are me and we are what everybody wants to be." Pardon my one-run-on-sentence sermon there, i'm sure you already know all of this. Continue fighting the good fight...figurativel speaking, of course. If I ever fall in to power, I'll remember your and your mentality. Pachem.

The pacifist formerly known as Del Sarto's Faultless Painter - 11/07/98 18:27:50
Favourite book: The rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám
Favourite type of Super Noodles: The one's with X-ray vision and Freeze-breath
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: The finest of silk boxers for most everyday usage. However, for important dates and special occasions, i usually dip in to my satin collection
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Before or after the fermentation process?
Can you lend me a fiver?: Why on earth would anyone from the UK want an american five dollar bill, unless of course he or she was an admirer of Abraham Lincoln


**Jessie Lynne Kell** - 11/04/98 02:14:59
Favourite book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Favourite type of Super Noodles: What are those?
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: I wear, uh, briefs. But I like guys in boxers.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: What does "poncy" mean?
Can you lend me a fiver?: Sure. Here you go. *gives Ian a fiver* Uh, when are you going to pay me back?
What is going on?: Nothing right now, but I have an appointment with the podiatrist tomorrow afternoon!

Very nice page, dear Ian. : )

amy - 10/31/98 20:15:13


Geoff - 10/31/98 17:46:53
Favourite book: No one here gets out alive
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: all of the above
Can you lend me a fiver?: the chek's in the mail
What is going on?: life.

just trying to get established with the poly chatters.

Jorge the drawer - 10/28/98 13:05:47
Favourite book: Sinueh, the Egyptian
Favourite type of Super Noodles: the handly type
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: briefs... and black
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: It lets drink itself
Can you lend me a fiver?: Sure...I'm sending you in a messager pidgeon
What is going on?: the world is turning back... (and It means?...)

I stepped again on your soul-site, dearest Ian, and I see you have make a bunch of improving on it. The pict is named "boRdando el manto terrestre" (you lost a "r")and I figure you know that it means "sewing the earthling blanket". I'm gonna actualise you file (the lagoon's monster is terrible great than others) and considering your linkage to angel's facts ...I'm gonna prepare the translation of an old comic I have about it. Cheers.

mara - 10/21/98 08:11:33
Favourite book: self-help for insomniacs. hehe.
Favourite type of Super Noodles: super noodles. what in bloody hell are super noodles?
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: thong, of course! :)~
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: repulsive!
Can you lend me a fiver?: ha!
What is going on?: i am cold and sick and not sleeping or eating! wahey!!

em. comment. hmm. LMAO!! hehe. my god. i am going to stay with you for a week?? have i gone mad?? lol. twelve weeks, dear. :)

Eggman - 10/20/98 12:58:26
Favourite book: Head Hunters
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Beef
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Commando In Winter
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Nice Hmmm
Can you lend me a fiver?: No
What is going on?: I've Got Clowns To Left Of Me, Kokers Right, Here I am Stuck In The Middle With You.

Not much to say... So I won't.

Nimune - 10/19/98 21:03:49
Favourite book: The mist of Avolon
Favourite type of Super Noodles: ????
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: Ansewered this already
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: .......
Can you lend me a fiver?: Ummm...
What is going on?: .....

You like the Mist of Avolon? It is my all time fav. book. Thats where I got my nick name, Nimune. : )

the newest colour - 10/19/98 16:39:27
Favourite book: ehmm... it has to be *Macbeth* by Shakespeare(who else?)
Favourite type of Super Noodles: oh the ones I can eat
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: anything suitable for the occasion
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: never tasted it
Can you lend me a fiver?: oh yeah, anytime, too bad I have no idea what it is
What is going on?: the world is revolving around a star

Oh you've visited my site so I decided to pay back the favor... do you know who the Severes are? Well, please vote them for the horniest parents on television... anyways, I like your site, although I have to be honest that I've only seen the front page... anyways, please come again to MacDonalds, and have a Merry Christmas...

Alanna - 10/18/98 03:11:51
Favourite book: trainspotting by irvine welsh
Favourite type of Super Noodles: the ones with the voices that sound like chipmunks and they sing that song 'We're Coming To Kill You, How's Tuesday' -- wait, that was a dream.
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: yes please.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: i'll say poncy because i don't know what it means and it makes me feel like putting on a tutu.
Can you lend me a fiver?: i can, if i believe i can. but it will be in Canadian dollars, so it's be worth about ...oh, let me see ... nothing?
What is going on?: the system's crumbling, man. we gotta rebuild through destruction, you know? it's like, the end is nigh, or something.

hi sweetie, um, maybe this isn't the best time to tell you this but you left your *ahem* underwear at my flat the other night so maybe you could come by and ... oh, whoops. wrong guestbook. right. who have we here ... ian, darling, i *adore* your page. i'm not too familiar with the British education system, forms and all that, but i certainly enjoyed your insane bio (was it the insane you that left his underwear at my apartment the other night?). i'll try and get a pic scanned so you can add me to the ist of Poly people (could you let them know they all left their underwear at my place too?).

Alanna - 10/18/98 03:05:17
Favourite book: trainspotting by irvine welsh
Favourite type of Super Noodles: the ones with the voices that sound like chipmunks and they sing that song 'We're Coming To Kill You, How's Tuesday' -- wait, that was a dream.
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: yes please.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: i'll say poncy because i don't know what it means and it makes me feel like putting on a tutu.
Can you lend me a fiver?: i can, if i believe i can. but it will be in Canadian dollars, so it's be worth about ...oh, let me see ... nothing?
What is going on?: the system's crumbling, man. we gotta rebuild through destruction, you know? it's like, the end is nigh, or something.

hi sweetie, um, maybe this isn't the best time to tell you this but you left your *ahem* underwear at my flat the other night so maybe you could come by and ... oh, whoops. wrong guestbook. right. who have we here ... ian, darling, i *adore* your page. i'm not too familiar with the British education system, forms and all that, but i certainly enjoyed your insane bio (was it the insane you that left his underwear at my apartment the other night?). i'll try and get a pic scanned so you can add me to the ist of Poly people (could you let them know they all left their underwear at my place too?).

Nimune - 10/18/98 02:36:09
Favourite book: Mists of Avolon
Favourite type of Super Noodles: ?????
Boxers, briefs or 'going commando'?: : )
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: nice
Can you lend me a fiver?: Huh?
What is going on?: Not much. Fixing my site

Awsome site ya got here. I am responding to your message on my guestbook. I like your attidute (I know I didn't spell that right). Groovy page. I check it later, too! Love, Life, and all thats between, Nimune

Megan - 10/11/98 00:39:01
Favourite book: 1984 by George Orwell, or just anything by Kafka
Favourite type of Super Noodles: assphinctersayswhat?
Boxers, briefs of 'going commando'?: Um, hello. Just copy the spam! ..Oh, and to answer ewre question. I'm not telling. Not unless ewe have any ..foam
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: And I say again, assphinctersayswhat? ewe foreignians talk funny.. /honkhonk
Can you lend me a fiver?: if ewe mean dollhairs, most certainly
What is going on?: I think ewe have some repressed sexual perversions that should be let out. No more question marks. Oh the sweet sad memories.. oh the woe, the pain, the tears, the red eyes and great grandad's funerall.. la la la la la laa la la a al ala lal a alalalalalalall a lal ala ala lla lala LALA LALA LALKAALAL ALA LA LLA LA LA LAL ALALA ALALA LALALALAL AL ALAL AL AL AL AL AL ALLA LALA LA LALA ALALA L ALA LAALAL AL AL AL AL AL aL

damn these ho's they're steppin on me toes oh, im sorry.. puff daddy in ewre guestbook. oh! now watch as I cough all over ewre website, and especially your guestbook. /cough

amie - 10/10/98 23:07:11
Favourite book: might as well ask "favortie molecule of oxygen breathed?"
Favourite type of Super Noodles: the round ones
Boxers, briefs of 'going commando'?: of the above
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: poncy. cause i don't know what poncy means. but its a neat lookin' word
Can you lend me a fiver?: nope. sorry.
What is going on?: life

ian~...lovely page..keep up the good work. :) i feel so special to be listed near the top..oh wait! its in alphabetical order..uh..yeah. i still feel special. you should too cause you are. ok....that's all. have a splendiferous day.. ~amie

amy(smarties) - 10/10/98 22:28:06
Favourite book: 1984
Favourite type of Super Noodles: um
Boxers, briefs of 'going commando'?: briefs
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: NICE
Can you lend me a fiver?: nope, I'm broke
What is going on?: nothing as usual

Clicked you on poly. I'll be back later when I have more time. Looks nice though.bye.

Kazberry - 10/07/98 04:27:54
Favourite book: Random House Webster's Dictionary, third edition
Favourite type of Super Noodles: I've never had Super Noodles. I prefer fresh fettucine with alfredo sauce.
Boxers, briefs of 'going commando'?: Me? I wear bikinis, myself... but I guess I'd want my man to wear boxers.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Mix it with some Malibu rum and I'll drink it. Nice.
Can you lend me a fiver?: I was just about to ask you if you could lend ~me~ a fiver! Tee-hee.
What is going on?: Well, right now I am signing your guestbook while I should be studying for my graphic design test tomorrow. As usual, I am being a total delinquent.

Dearest Ian. Your homepage is a marvel of technical wizardry, intriguing text, pictorial delights and a wonderfully potent aroma that seems to have permeated this machine. I can only dream that someday, with much training and constant lip-biting, I, too, can have a homepage... althought it couldn't possibly even come close to being three eighths as good as yours. I mean, really. By the way, why am I not on your Polyethylene chatters list? Hmph.

Jo Rayner - 10/03/98 21:29:49
Favourite book: Winnie the pooh's adventures!
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Chicken (although I'm a veggie!!)
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Poncy and kinda nice!
Can you lend me a fiver?: Yeah, If you lend me a tenner!
What is going on?: I'm chilling out with a bottle of beer and a packet of frosties! Yeah!

Love ya Ian babe! Iccle wiccle enog babe! Luv Jo xxxxxxxx *huggles for eternity*

Steven (silent spirit) - 10/02/98 23:34:36
Favourite book: Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice
Favourite type of Super Noodles: the long and thing type.
Boxers, briefs of 'going commando'?: *doesn't feel comfortible awnsering that right now*
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: which is sweater?
Can you lend me a fiver?: sure!
What is going on?: Bands in the recording studio soon.

Hey man! Great page, don't let that guy get to you.

EviL_peTting.zOo-: - 10/02/98 22:48:40
Favourite book: hmmm,
Favourite type of Super Noodles: SUPER!!
Boxers, briefs of 'going commando'?: 1+1=5
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: i dislike camels
Can you lend me a fiver?: of course
What is going on?: well, if you have to know i'll tell you my whole day...but i'm sure you would rather not-

hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello ------------------------------------------------- hi, my evils would like to visit you--- ...........seamonkeys are sick.............. they are dead......(actually)the y got a little crazy so..i flushed them down the toilet aLL oF thEM. even, sqeeky the one with four asses well...nice pagE! sUPER! gRRREEAATt heh bye-

john doe. - 10/02/98 22:30:20
Favourite book: a tossup between animal farm and the world according to garp
Favourite type of Super Noodles: i prefer my noodles to be not super.
Boxers, briefs of 'going commando'?: i prefer socks.
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: poncy? what type of english are we speaking here? sprieken se english? no habla espanol!
Can you lend me a fiver?: fiver? bigwig? groucho marx?
What is going on?: not.

nice page. i'll pants you at no charge if you manage to mention the intracacies of wearing boy's underwear at the age of 35. adult diapers will get you completely bald. and i mean completely.

[k] - 10/02/98 22:19:25
Favourite book: Thus Spoke Zarathustra..Nietzsche
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Indomie..chicken flavour..indonesian noodles
Boxers, briefs of 'going commando'?: boxers..
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: i'd rather have apple juice
Can you lend me a fiver?: sorry no can do mate..
What is going on?: gravity keeps me grounded..

'ello ian..nice page..i enjoyed it thoroughly..cheers

Goldfinger (nida) - 10/02/98 21:35:47
Favourite book: Anne Rice "Interview with a Vampire"
Favourite type of Super Noodles: dunno
Boxers, briefs of 'going commando'?: underwear
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: je ne sais pas
Can you lend me a fiver?:
What is going on?: suits me

Hey ian! like ur webpage :) very nice! one of these day's i'm gonna get one..hehaha.. that's all i can say!! byebye and take care! *hugs* from nida :)

apatheticangel (Aja) - 10/02/98 20:43:13
Favourite book: the giant's house
Favourite type of Super Noodles: i dunno but i'd like em frooty.
Boxers, briefs of 'going commando'?: guys in boxers (no contest)
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: smooth like vodka's smooth.
Can you lend me a fiver?: i'm broke as a joke.
What is going on?: cuba gooding jr.

nifty little page...keep playing with it. take is easy

Kelly Woessner - 10/02/98 19:36:05
Favourite book: Angels and Visitations
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Ian Rennie
Boxers, briefs of 'going commando'?: Nixon Masks
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: niether
Can you lend me a fiver?: um....
What is going on?: Clinton is smoking a cigar

Got a penny? My name is Elija.

Ian Rennie - 10/02/98 17:32:07
Favourite book: The Wasp Factory
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Chicken
Boxers, briefs of 'going commando'?: Boxers
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Nice
Can you lend me a fiver?: No
What is going on?: I have no idea

Talking to yourself is a sign of madness, young man.

Ian Rennie - 10/02/98 17:31:28
Favourite book: The Wasp Factory
Favourite type of Super Noodles: Chicken
Boxers, briefs of 'going commando'?: Boxers
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Nice
Can you lend me a fiver?: No
What is going on?: I have no idea

Talking to yourself is a sign of madness, young man.

Jorge Tarruella / AKA JORGETheDrawer - 10/02/98 17:09:49
Favourite book: Lord of the Rings
Favourite type of Super Noodles: All types
Boxers, briefs of 'going commando'?: Nude
Cranberry juice: Poncy or nice?: Cran... who?
Can you lend me a fiver?: Eeer...
What is going on?: Only god and me knows

Your page is just showing up... like an iceberg on the sea. Better be the iceberg and no the Titanic. You're all artist styles but not a drawer. Call me if you need some drawed help, Morph. Bye

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