"Copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research. "
- Wilson Mizner (1876-1933)

These Tips are mainly for my Sun Solaris compatriots out there. Linux, sadly, seems to have been on the cutting edge when it comes to desktop usefulness. Although I love my Solaris, and would not trade my E4500 for a Beowulf linux cluster, on the desktop...it's a different story.

Now don't get me wrong, I have had Solaris desktops for almost a decade now, I've had Irix and Linux, but my workhorse has always been a Sun Sparc. SparcStations, UltraSparcs, love 'em all. They are what I call home. However, I've often found myself looking a bit lustfully at a linux desktop wondering how long it will be until some of those features are added to my beloved Solaris.

But, enough blathering. All that was set-up for this, my Tips & Tricks. They are almost always going to be based on Solaris. Sure some will work on any *NIX OS, but some will seems silly for Linux users, or impossible for the users of other OSs.

All Introductions aside I bring you.......