Your Boone County, Kentucky Tax Rates

Tax Rate Chart
Note: All these Rates are Too High

What Are They Doing Now?


What Can be Taxed?
Answer:   Everything, except what "They" Allow You to Keep.

State Tax Rates.
(In Adobe PDF file)

State Tax Rates.
(View same Document in HTML format)

Now They are Going to do something!

Here is some History of attempts to change the way the Commonwealth taxes us

What they think in Danville
"The Gravy Train is Over"

(Sounds Good to Me.)

Need Tax Forms?

Note:  The Problem is not so much with the tax "structure" (bad as that may be) as with the wanton waste of politicos and too high tax rates and property valuations in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Some more Proposals

"Helping You Think About Taxes"

Contact Person:

David Osborne, Tax Administrator
2950 Washington Street
Burlington, KY 41005
Phone: (859) 334-3568
Fax: (859) 334-3914
E-mail Address:
Web Site:

Solid Tax

"Helping You to Think About Taxes"

(Hint:   They are too high.)

Kentucky Websites not affiliated with State Government