Baxter is a ferret
Fun Facts:
Baxter 12/2000
An especially cute ferret we found in a pet shop in Beaverton Town Square. He was just 9 weeks old in this picture. He was lovable and sweet and belonged to us, Erin and Mike.
Baxter was a boy, and he prefered to be with us or with Alexandra.
He was named Baxter, because as soon as we saw the cute, little stripe on his head we thought he looked like a Badger Boy.
More about my pet:
He had two very dark eyes and a cute, furry tail.
Baxter lived in Oregon, in an apartment with us. He was the most vocal ferret we ever owned and he would cry like a kitten whenever he was left alone. His affectionate nature stole our hearts, especially when he cuddled with us.
Baxter liked to hide under the furniture and follow me around.
He never answered to his name but we loved him very much
- being alone

- being wet

- to find places to hide

- to explore the apartment

- to stay near Erin

Neat Links:
The Original Rainbow Bridge
The New Rainbow Bridge
Erin's Home Page
Page created by Erin
September 3, 2001
(all rights reserved)
Last updated 03-26-2002
Baxter 12/2000
Baxter December 2000 Baxter with Erin - December 2000
After coming home from the pet shop and getting a bath and exploring the apartment, he was so tired.  I never had a ferret fall asleep in my lap before.  He hadn't found his bed or his food dish yet.  He was really hungry when we finally showed him where it was. 
Baxter with Erin - December 2000
These pictures were taken just after his first bath on his first day in his new home.
Sadly, Baxter died tragically in a household accident less than a month after we first brought him home.  We miss him very much.  He was a very special ferret.  We loved him very much.
Journal entry: Erin and Mike Have a New Pet:
"Dec 21, 2000: His name is BAXTER and he is an eight-week-old ferret. He has very unusual markings that make him look something like a tiny badger. We got him as a Christmas gift for Alexandra our four-year-old female. She has been without roommates for two years, and we thought it was past time to give her a companion. She seems to tolerate the little guy quite well, but maybe she's too old to find his games very interesting anymore. BAXTER has suffered some stress leaving his litter mates at the pet store, learning to negotiate his new penthouse and becoming accustomed to his new brand of food, and he's had an upset stomach, but we hope it will clear up by tomorrow. I hope to have some pictures up next week. He really is adorable!"