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Sheikh Ali - 10/23/00 15:28:27
My URL:http://web.ukonline.co.uk/sheikhali.sva/

Aad baan ugu Faraxsanahay inaan arko ururro badan oo soomaaliyeed oo aan siday caadadeennu ahayd isku bahaysan qabiil ee ay isu keentay dan guud oo ka dhaxaysa. Somali Veterinary Association, waa sidoo kale urur ay leeyihiin Dhakhtarrada xoolaha ee Soomaaliyeed waxuu xubin kamyahay xiriirka guud ee dhakhaatiirta xoolaha ee carabta iyo isutagga dhakhtarrada xoolaha ee carabta iyo yurub. waxaan leenahay web site aan hadda ka shaqaynayno oo URL-keedu yahay http://web.ukonline.co.uk/sheikhali.sva/ haday suuro gal tahay u sameeya link anaguna site-kiinna waxaanu u samaynaynaa link igu soo war celi mahadasanidiin Dr. M. Sheikh Ali

Sheikh Ali - 10/23/00 15:22:26
My URL:sheikhali.sva@ukonline.co.uk

Aad baan ugu Faraxsanahay inaan arko ururro badan oo soomaaliyeed oo aan siday caadadeennu ahayd isku bahaysan qabiil ee ay isu keentay dan guud oo ka dhaxaysa. Somali Veterinary Association, waa sidoo kale urur ay leeyihiin Dhakhtarrada xoolaha ee Soomaaliyeed waxuu xubin kamyahay xiriirka guud ee dhakhaatiirta xoolaha ee carabta iyo isutagga dhakhtarrada xoolaha ee carabta iyo yurub. waxaan leenahay web site aa hadda ka shaqaynayno oo URL-keedu yahay http://web.ukonline.co.uk/sheikhali.sva/ haday suuro gal tahay u sameeya link anaguna site-kiinna waxaanu u samaynaynaa link igu soo war celi mahadasanidiin Dr. M. Sheikh Ali

AO Mohamed - 04/26/00 17:45:40
My URL:dhaqan@hotmail.com

runtii waan ku farax sanahay dadaalka aad muujiseen laakiin waxaan idinku dhaliilayaa luqada INGIRIISKA oo aad isticmaasheen waxaa home-page-ka u baahan kara iney wax ka ogaadaan dad soomaali ah oo luqada aan aqoonin

xoogsade - 04/25/00 07:30:30

Assallamu Allaykum howsha meesha ka cab, Alleylehe waa dadaashay

M. G. Hassan - 04/24/00 05:41:35
My URL:[http://somali-fisheries.homepge.com][http://www.oocities.org/gabobe

Dear Abdullahi, Development of such an association is viewed one of the good steps taken by Somali intellectuals. Make sure you collect all those who are involved in agricultural studies and this would facilitate getting proper professionals of the respective fields. Go ahead and work hard for yourself and for your people. Musse Gabobe Hassan

M. G. Hassan - 04/24/00 05:39:42
My URL:[http://somali-fisheries.homepge.com][http://www.oocities.org/gabobe

Dear Abdullahi, Development of such an association is viewed one of the good steps taken by Somali intellectuals. Make sure you collect all those who are involved in agricultural studies and this would facilitate getting proper professionals of the respective fields. Go ahead and work hard for yourself and for your people. Musse Gabobe Hassan

Al'imaam - 04/23/00 08:04:47
My URL:alimaam@hotmail.com

Hadal yar iyo Howl badan. Thanks

nurganey - 04/21/00 15:53:36
My URL:nur_khalif@hotmail.com

well we always welcome any effort thats done for the benefit of our people and the person himself and i here congratulate those who atleast tried to come into an association becouse this is what all somali people lack i.e an organisation and unity.

- 04/21/00 09:03:16


Dr. Qasim - 04/21/00 06:37:33
My URL:http://angelfire.com/ri/Qaasim

It sounds great to associate such kind of gathering house. I would recommend this to be made one of the main houses for Somali intellectual debates as agrarian section, that is a part of "Somali Graduate Union". I hope students and graduates of agricultural studies will concern this gathering as their special meeting point. thank you wsalam Dr.Qasim

somalitalk - 04/18/00 08:01:45
My URL:http://somalitalk.com

Dear webmaster. We thank you for submitting your web to somalitalk.com, and so we added to SomLink part of somalitalk.com under letter S. Thanks

Isahaq - 04/17/00 10:30:00
My URL:se@hotmail.com

it's a good begunning work for establishing such association,but there is no any article in your homepage about your profession..

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