Moving Pictures
For those of you who know me well, you know I am a huge film fan. I love anything from James Bond to Audrey Hepburn, from fantasy to comedy, english and foreign. I'll try almost anything, but I won't guarantee I'll watch the whole thing. For example, I was not incredibly impressed by American Pie and left the theatre 45 minutes into the movie. But I did give it a shot, so give me credit for that. Here you will find my faves, and my current recommendations. Didn't I warn you about my opinionated nature? LOL...
- Gone With the Wind
- Mansfield Park
- Onegin
- Pride & Prejudice (A&E)
- Drop Dead Fred
- Labyrinth
Naturally, I was weary about seeing a cartoon at first, but I had heard great things and so my friends and I checked it out. I have to say that this was one of the alltime best movies I have seen. It was a beautiful story, very very funny, and had some great effects. I haven't ever laughed so hard at a movie. I went back 3 days later to see it again in theatres. This is a must see!
The Internet Movie Database
Monster's Ball
This was an incredibly dark, and moving story about a man who works on death row (Billy Bob Thornton) who falls in love with the wife of a man he has just executed (Halle Berry). The story is further complicated by the fact that Thornhon's character is a racist, a belief he was raised in by his father (Peter Boyle). This is a wonderful movie with exceptional performances by Thornton, Berry, Boyle, Heath Ledger as Thornton's son, and a pleasantly surprising Sean Combs as Berry's husband. Everyone should watch this movie, so they can understand why Halle Berry won the Academy Award over everyone else. The best performance from her I have ever seen!
Rotten Tomatoes
homeward bound...
a dignified family...
a friend at the door...
sing your song, poet...
we must have music...