Course Syllabus
Developing Skill for English Communications (1551109)
Credit Hours: 2(2-0)

Instructor: Mr.Somchai Thumariya
                 (นายสมชาย ทุมอาริยะ)

Course Description:
This course is designed to develop skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing everyday English in situations not covered in 1551108 English for Communication, e.g. negotiating, ordering meals, returning merchandise etc. Students are encouraged to sample authentic resources : newspapers, radio and T.V. programs etc.

             1.Students can develop skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
             2.Students can use English effectively in everyday.
             3.Students can use English as mean to retrieval information from authentic resources.

Class Schedule:

Week Content Hrs. Teaching&Learning activities
1 - Introducing Course Syllabus
- Introducing yourself
- Course Project
2 - Introducing Course Syllabus
- Introducing yourself
- Explants Course Project
2 - Writing for yourself (Resume) 2 - Study about resume
- To practice the writing skill
3 - Writing for letter of occupation 2 - Studying about letter of occupation
- To practice the writing skill
4 - "I am" 2 - Introductions, Greetings and exchanging  
  personal information
5 - Internal Test 1 (10 Marks) 2 - Teacher interviews student about 20 questions
  which are your information
6-7 - Direction
- Date/Time
- What does he look like?
4 - Studying about direction, Date/Time, What 
  does he look like?, Role play about the 
  content in this class

- Midterm

2 -
9-10 - Reading Skill 4 - Talking about a kind of reading
- Exercise
11-12 - Writing Skill 4 - Talking about writing
- To practice
13 - Internal Test 2 (10 Marks) 2 - Reading and Writing
14 - Sending Course Project 2 - Sending and Presenting the course project
15 - Review 2 - Summarizing about content for Final
  Examination and checking assignment of class

Evaluation:       70:30
            Internal Test                                                                 20        Marks
            Assignment/Note Taking                                            10        Marks
            Class Attendance                                                         10        Marks
            Course Project                                                             10        Marks
  (Report about retrieval information from authentic)
            Midterm Examination                                                 20        Marks
            Fianl Examination                                                       30        Marks

Criteria for Grading:
            Score of         80-above                    =     A
                                   75-79                          =     B+
                                   70-74                          =     B
                                   65-69                          =     C+
                                   60-64                          =     C
                                   55-59                          =     D+
                                   50-54                          =     D
                                   49-below                    =     E
                                   Incomplete                 =     I

Contact Instructor:        Mr.Somchai Thumariya (นายสมชาย ทุมอาริยะ)

                Telephone No. 09-9571561, 055-706555#196
