Something Is Coming!
     Scientists claim that the odds that a meteor will collide with the Earth causing serious devastation probably won't happen again. But what if it did?
      It is believed that the impact of a giant meteor was to blame for the disappearance of the dinosaurs.
      In 1908, a huge meteor exploded over Siberia, devastating a large area, knocking down trees and destroying caribou and other life for more than a one hundred mile radius..
      And despite these odds, it seems disaster has struck again...the year is now 2134 and society is falling apart. More than two centuries of decay has pushed the planet to the breaking point. In a daily fight for survival, it is the govenment against the average man, woman against woman, and child against child. And then from out of nowhere there comes a wake-up call. Can this be divine intervention at work, or is this merely an accident?  You decide. Read the sci-fi action thriller 
Exterminance Cometh By Robert Segarra

Other Sites Of Interest:                              Robert Segarra's Other Pages:
The Rose Center For Earth And Space                     The Robert Segarra Home Page
The Mount Wilson Observatory                               The Christmas Mouse
The American Meteor Society                                  Crow Hill & Other Poems
A Night At The Inn
The Evil Book Link                                                  Marrakech
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