Islam's Lies

All lies come from the book: Message to the Blackman in America (co.1965)

#1) page 6 - "god is a man and we just cannot make him other than man,"

#2) page 68 - "The prophets of islam include: noah, abraham, moses, jesus, job, david, solomon and jonah."

#3) page 69 - "Islam is the religion of adam, noah, moses, jesus and muhammad."

Now that the lies are out of the way... let's look at the Truth

If Jehovah, and allah, are the same god.. but just under different names, one being western, and the other arabic.. as a muslim may tell you, then they should both say the same things. (which is what they will NOT say ...)

But when we look in the Bible, God's Word, we don't see the same doctrine being preached... in FACT we see that Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Job, David, Solomon and Jonah were all ANTI-muslim!!

I'll prove it people... if you won't take my word for it.. take God's!!!

Truth #1 - Numbers 23:19 - "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" (oh by the way.. the Book of Numbers was written by Moses!)

Truth #2 - John 4:24 - "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." (The Word of Jesus Christ concerning what God is.. he didn't say that he was a man did he??!!)

Truth #3 - 2 Peter 1:21 - "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."(First off, neither adam,noah,moses or Jesus had a religion. They were each spiritual... and with the exception of Jesus Christ, men with a Spirit and a Soul housed in a body(1 Thess. 5:23). These men were moved by the spirit of God to accomplish the missions God had for them. They did not worship a "god"(allah), whose name was origianlly derived from a stone idol. They did not travel to mecca, in Saudi Arabia. They did not pray to the east. They were not religious and mindless, they were spiritual.

This page was not created to offend anyone.. it's purpose is simply to; share the truth and expose lies . I leave you with this: Believe in and submit to God the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ and you will receive the Holy Spirit. Don't be fooled by cheap imitations.

We have to pull the hood off of islam and reveal it for what it really is.... once we do that we can see something which doesn't look like God at all... but an instrument of the devil

Islam's claim that the MAJORITY OF HELL WILL BE WOMEN

Here is other information regarding islam that will shed more light on this demonic "religion". Other prominent occults can be referenced here as well: jehovah's witnesses, mormons (latter-day saints), hinduists and more...

The Occult Database

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